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"Space Exploration Is A Dangerous Business" – Corinna S. Bechko Talks Aliens / Vampirella #3
Ian Parker, co-creator and co-plotter of Cage Hero #1, talks with writer Corinna S. Bechko about Aliens/Vampirella #3, both on sale now.
IAN PARKER: I found it quite interesting that you gave the name of the so-called creatures "Nosferatu." Was the film Nosferatu a prominent inspiration behind this vampire world?
CORINNA S. BECHKO: I love the original film Nosferatu, so I have to admit that it was … although most of the credit should really go to Nancy Collins, who introduced a great Nosferatu storyline in her Vampirella run.
IP: Knowing what we know about the Aliens and what we know about vampires, was it challenging as a writer in pairing them together?
CSB: It really would seem that way, but once I started seriously looking at them together it came together without much trouble at all. Suddenly, it was just natural! After all, Vampirella has roots in science fiction as well as horror, and in some ways you could consider vampires to be parasites just as the Aliens are. The interesting part is in comparing and contrasting these elements in a way that makes sense to the story.
IP: The two scientists seem to have no problem sacrificing Lars in order to save themselves. Is there more of a back story to this or just a case of "wrong place at the wrong time" for Lars?
CSB: I think it's more of the latter. Space exploration is a dangerous business, and sometimes tough choices must be made. I've read a lot about early polar explorers and ship-faring explorers. Many of them were unbelievably brave and loyal, but some of them made horrible, fatal choices when faced with extreme circumstances.
IP: Finally, can you tell us what inspires you when you write a character like Vampirella?
CSB: I think anyone who writes Vampirella ends up loving her attitude, and I'm no different. She's just such a fun character. She's smart, she's confident, she doesn't suffer fools and she's fully capable of not only taking care of herself but of inflicting damage. The fact that she doesn't always choose to is what defines her in this story, and I like to keep that in mind. She's a predator, but one with a conscience and a firm grasp of logic.
For more on Aliens / Vampirella #3, click here.