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Speculator Corner: Paul Cornell's Action Comics
This is a dangerous game. Speculating on new comic books that haven't gone up in price, just in case, one day, that they do. Ah well, in for a penny.
Action Comics #890, #891, #892, #893 and the yet-to-be-released #894.
Now this shouldn't make sense. This is a Superman comic book without Superman. But it does have Doctor Who/Primeval/Robin Hood writer Paul Cornell.
And it has a Lex Luthor starring sell out first issue and second print. It has Gorilla Grodd.. And it has the first Neil Gaiman approved-indeed-co-written appearance of Death in the DC Universe, cameoing in #893, full appearance in #894. There's a Secret Six crossover coming up. And it's clearly building up to something big with #900. Oh, and Morning Glories' ex-Cincinatti politician Nick Spencer is writing the back up Jimmy Olsen stories. With the first DCU appearance of Smallville's Chloe Sullivan
And it's still being ordered by most retailers – and indeed bought (or not) by certain customers – as if it is just a Superman book without Superman in it. For now.
Copies of some issues go for as little as 99 cents on eBay. But I'm guessing not for long.