Posted in: Comics, Comics Publishers, Current News, Rebellion / 2000AD | Tagged: halo jones, Ian Gibson, Robo Hunter 2000ad
The Ballad Of Ian Gibson Is Coming To An End For This Robo-Hunter
Ian Gibson, aged 77, is a British comic book artist known Judge Dredd, Robo-Hunter and The Ballad of Halo Jones with Alan Moore.
Article Summary
- British comic artist Ian Gibson, known for Judge Dredd, is in his final hours.
- Ian's work includes Robo-Hunter and The Ballad of Halo Jones, and DC Comics runs.
- Despite illness, Ian continued to sketch and share his art from the hospital bed.
- Fans and family gather, sharing messages of support as Ian embarks on his next journey.
Ian Gibson, aged 77, is a British comic book artist known for 2000 AD, including Judge Dredd, and is the co-creator of Robo-Hunter with John Wagner and of The Ballad of Halo Jones with Alan Moore. He also drew runs at DC Comics on Mister Miracle, Meta 4 with Stefan Petrucha for First Comics, Steed And Mrs Peel with Grant Morrison, Annie Droid for the Times newspaperand Star Wars at Dark Horse. He most recent work, the sci-fi space opera Lifeboat, was Kickstartered and has been sold at comic book conventions in gorgeous colour hardcover or softcover or digital from the appropriately titled publisher, The 77.
Ian Gibson has been ill for some time. And in July, he told his fans, "This is difficult – I barely have the energy to type. So I feel the need to apologise to all who have enjoyed my work over the years that I'm not well enough to fulfill their desires for commissions or even simple sketches. I'm hoping that another transfusion in the morning will keep me from waking up dead! I really do want to survive long enough to see the launch of Lifeboat and if the chemo treatment works well enough to allow me to continue with book 2 and more. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the love and support. Bless you all. Cheers." which he almost imediately followed up, saying "I hope my recent revelations concerning my health haven't been taken as 'trawling' for sympathy. Rather I have been trying to explain why the old man who was known for five pages of pencils in a day and five or more finished pages in a week can no longer hold a pencil. It has been very heartwarming to see all your beautiful responses. Bless you all"
Since then, Ian Gibson has been posting frequent sketches, often done while undergoing treatment with a drip in an arm. "My son Dave was an absolute sweetheart and managed to bring me some quality drawing pads in my last few days at the hospital. That doesn't mean I'm fixed or anything – just that I'm not stuck in there for days on end. My treatment is ongoing for my chemo injections and blood transfusions. I just have a few days at home at last!!! And I managed a few sketches on the quality paper he brought me. So, here are a few of them from the hospital bed."
In August, Ian Gibson posted, "Just caused chaos by 'discharging' myself from hospital. Yesterday the chief doctor told me they were happy for me to go home. But today one of his minions came to tell me that they had changed their mind. Not a happy bunny! So I told them I was going with their first decision and I came home. And I brought some more sketches I'd been messing with. I tried out some watercolour paper as well as more Bristol board. The watercolour ones came out large – filling the A4 sheets. See if you like any of them.."
In September, Ian Gibson added, "just back from having two more bags of blood slowly dripped into my arm. They kind of sprung it onto me saying that the blood expires tomorrow so I had to have it today! Another wasted day – or is it? Lots more drawing done in the six hours of drip drip drip. I'll post them up when I've caught my breath"
In October, Ian Gibson posted, "Apologies to anyone trying to contact me lately. I'm out of hospital but in too much pain to be able to respond coherently to all those asking for sketches. Thanks to all who have sent me messages of support and good wishes. I'll do my best to answer what I can. But you'll need to be patient with me as my hospital stays have left me confused about who wants what."
On the second of December, he posted "free at llllllllllllast" and three days ago he posted "Not feeling so good but thanks for all your kind messages and Merry Xmas to all, cheers". Yesterday the following was posted by his friends and family.
**Update from the Vigil of Ian's bedside**
It looks that Ian is in the last hours before he starts his new adventure.
Luke and I have been reading all your messages and memories on all of the groups, private messages to luke and I, and on lans goodbye post. You have given us strength and made us smile. We have found it very comforting. We have taken turns reading out as many as we can to Ian.
Ian has previously expressed many times how amazing you all are and how much he loves you all. He is comfortable and has settled to have a rest. He is saving up the energy for his new adventure amongst the stars and to join Halo starting a new chapter in their story. I have a sneaking suspicion that they will find that they live forever as true legends never die.
Love to you all, we are eternally greatful.