Posted in: Batman, Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: Batman, batman #900, chip zdarsky, dc comcis, jorge jimenez, mike hawthorne
The Biggest Change Batman #900 Will Make Going Forward (Spoilers)
Batman #900, or Batman Vol 3 #135 if you prefer, is published this week from DC Comics. And will make a big change to Batman going forward.
Batman #900, or Batman Vol 3 #135 if you prefer, is published this week from DC Comics. And it looks like it will make a big change to Batman going forward across the franchise. At the end of Batman #134, Bruce Wayne, on secondment from his own universe to a Gotham which never had a Batman, lost a hand. Chopped right off, by that universe's version of Ghost-Maker, Ghost-Breaker.
When everything turned to red. It was a subtlety lost on some. And some wondered if they had seen it right, if it was an illusion and if the next issue would clarify things.
Two weeks ago, Bleeding Cool showed the first page from Batman #900, or Batman Vol 3 #135 if you prefer, and it was a lot more definitive. He was missing a hand. And was having to deal with the dismemberment.
Now further released art from Batman #900 doubles down on that. This is a Batman without a hand. His right hand as well.
Now, as we have seen with Alfred Pennyworth, his home Gotham is quite good at attaching hands back to people, even after quite some time. And we also have the cover from Batman #136 in which he presumably returns to his own Gotham, and seems to have his hand back. Or a hand back. He did seem to appear to be paying his right hand a lot of attention on the cover…
Well, Bleeding Cool has learned a few things about Batman #900. Yes, Batman has lost a hand. But he is also following the Red Mask, the man who would have been The Joker if he had been driven insane. And travelling the multiverse to try and recreate the events that drove the original, and other Jokers, insane.. And a handless Batman in hot pursuit. Which will also give the Batman and the Jokers a chance to visit some old favourite realities. From the Batman movies, cartoons and Elseworlds, classic tales from Dark Knight to Killing Joker and beyond, it's everything, everywhere, all at once. And, as we have also stated, it's Michael Keaton's Batman and Jack Nicholson's Joker as well.
And among those worlds, though oddly not Batman Beyond, but of the Frank Miller/Klaus Janson Dark Knight Returns version of the future, there may be a prosthetic hand to… hand. A mechanical replacement. Something akin to Luke Skywalker in Empire Strikes Back. And that's what he'll bring back to his own Gotham when he arrives… Batman, Bruce Wayne, is going to have a robot hand now.
That is, until the next reboot of course. Or when they got those Lazarus Pits working again…
BATMAN #135/#900
$6.99 US | 56 pages | Variant $7.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 5/2/23
It's Batman versus Red Mask in a brutal Gotham that's never known hope! Can the Dark Knight overcome the terrifying infection that Red Mask has unleashed? Only one thing is certain: he won't be able to do it alone. The conclusion to the bestselling "The Bat-Man of Gotham" is so big it could only be contained in an oversize #900 anniversary issue featuring the return of fan-favorite artist Jorge Jiménez and a wild collection of guest stars! Full of wild revelations and a new path for Batman, this is one issue you won't want to miss!
$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 6/6/23
Failsafe and Red Mask have forever changed Batman, and Gotham isn't as welcoming as it once was. Can Batman remind them who he is? Can he remind…Catwoman? The future of the Bat-books starts here, and everyone's world is about to explode!