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The Wonder Woman Of 3001 Returns To Her Roots
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Wonder Woman grew up on Paradise Island, a land without men. Over the years that has been given many lesbian readings, as you may expect, both within and without of the comics. Created by William Marston who lived in a polyamorous relationship with two women, one can read all manner of subtext into the character, though she has been portrayed in straight relationships, notably Steve Trevor and currently Superman.
But the comic book Justice League 3000, relaunching in June as Justice League 3001, and previewed today in the back of Convergence: Justice League International, we get the Justice League cloned, kinda, ans resurrected for a new world, with different personalities – albeit it ones derived from the originals. Consider it Doctor Who regeneration-style characters…
And a Wonder Woman/Superman relationship very different from the 21st century version. And with Bruce Wayne telling all that the female Future Flash is attracted to Superman, it all gets a bit.
Okay, so our future Guy Gardner hasn't been female for long, and is still as much of a jerk as the original, but could he be onto something? Or is he just reading too much into things?
There's no danger of that, is there? Even today's Thor #8, with all its revelatory endings, goes there too…
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London. Currently hosting the exhibition of the work of Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire, to celebrate the launch of Injection #1 with Warren Ellis from Image Comics. Signing event this Saturday….