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Today's Clue As To The Identity Of Thor – Collect Them All
So, we have a new Thor. I quite liked the nickname "Ther", in a "Clor" kind of way, until I found that some folk on in the internet were taking it further, to "Whor" and the like and I thought, right, that's enough of nicknames, let's just go with Thor.
But as you can see, I'm not the only one having difficulty with language, Thor's internal monologue getting a kind of audio Instagram filter when it comes out of her mouth so it's all olde worlde.
But in Thor #2, we do get one clue as to Thor's identity.
An acquaintance of Dario Agger. And not in a positive fashion…
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London, proud to announce their first in a line of new programming events, a "director's commentary" on the first Southern Bastards collection by Jason Aaron and Jason Latour. Places are rather limited…