DC Comics wants their comic book retailers to order more copies of Aquaman #2 than they did of Gotham City Sirens #2...
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: chicago, Comics, entertainment, variety comics
Variety Comics Shop Of Chicago Closes After 41 Years
The oldest comic book store in Chicago, Variety Comics, is closing after 41 years, their last day open will be on October 31st.
It opened in the summer of 1974, in Chicago's rundown Lincoln Square neighbourhood. In 1975, it was bought by Rich Vitone who run it until illness stopped him in 2009. After he died in 2011, the store was taken over by Vin Nguyen and Victor Olivarez.
And forty years worth of stock is on sale from now, throughout October, comics, statues, toys, supplies, books and magazines.
Everything must go. Including Variety Comics…
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