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What Happens To The X-Men And Mutants At The End Of The Krakoan Age?

So what happens to the X-Men and the mutants at the end of the Age Of Krakoa? There have been some clues. Time for mindless speculation.

Article Summary

  • Speculating on the fate of X-Men in the post-Krakoan era.
  • Clues hint at fewer mutants and no clear refuge for them.
  • Krakoan society may face a new existential threat.
  • Uncertain future prompts musings on mutant survival rates.

So what happens to the X-Men and the mutants at the end of the Age Of Krakoa? There have been some clues. So time for some mindless speculation.

Free Comic Book Day X-Men

In the Free Comic Book Day story from Gail Simone and David Marquez, there were mutants, certainly, but not many of them. There was Kitty Pryde, those captured in the mansion – with no one able to corral a breakout, and a waitress in a diner. That was it.

Free Comic Book Day X-Men

In the upcoming X-Men titles, there are the stars of those books, certainly. But there doesn't seem to be a large supporting cast. No replacement for the school, no replacement for Krakoa. What do you do with a few million mutants that are rising From The Ashes? What ashes for a start? We'd presumed it was a reference to the Orchis attack on Krakoa but pretty much everyone seems to be coming back from that.


The Krakoan nation is currently ensconced in the White Hot Room, and they seem to be settling down there and making plans. While the populace of Arakko is being kept hidden from the Enigma Dominion. What is going to happen to them all?

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Especially since their presence drives the Phoenix insane and it is basically Jean Grey's mind they are all living in rent-free.

Once upon a time, Scarlet Witch said "no more mutants" and only 198 remained as mutants. Might something similar going to be about to happen one more time? After all, "From The Ashes" does seem to indicate someone might be digging up previous parts of X-Men past.

How many mutants will survive this time, full stop? With Nathaniel Essex, the Enigma Dominion, be joining Cassandra Nova and the Scarlet Witch as the biggest bads in Krakoan society? Or what about the Phoenix, she has form and she may be a bit miffed? Maybe it's time for one more Wanda Maximoff? Even if there is no Krakoa to judge?

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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