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When Joe Casey Planned To Give Original X-Men New Superhero Identities

When Joe Casey planned to give the Original X-Men a bunch of new superhero identities designed by Mike Allred.

Article Summary

  • Joe Casey reimagines Original X-Men with new identities, designs by Mike Allred.
  • Cyclops becomes Master Blaster with a dual-optic beam mask.
  • Angel resurrects his Avenging Angel persona with a new costume.
  • Iceman transforms into Jack Frost, adopting a crystallized look.

In his Substack newsletter, ahead of the launch of his new series Weapon X-Men, writer Joe Casey has been looking at former X-Men writing attempts, pitching Amazing Adventures Of The X-Men in 2007 with Mike and Laura Allred, with the original X-Men as they were about to graduate the Westchester School, "playing hooky from Xavier's school in all-new superhero identities." And he laid out who he planned them all to be, saying "The main thing to keep in mind, is that these costumes should have NO design connection to their X-Men black-and-yellow uniforms, nor should they have any kind of "X"-related iconography involved.  Remember, they're not going out as "X-Men", they're going out as independent superheroes.  Obviously, they should all have masks of some kind, since on some level they're trying to disguise themselves from Professor X…"

  • MASTER BLASTER (Cyclops) – I was thinking, since Cyclops might be the most hesitant to go along with this scheme, he would wear a full-face mask (like Spider-Man or the Black Panther) with cool-looking sunglasses built into the mask. Within each "lens" of the sunglasses are mini-visors (slits cut horizontally across the center of each lens… so when he uses his optic beams, he fires TWO beams simultaneously). Other than that, it's wide open for your design genius.
  • AVENGING ANGEL (Angel) – Angel will be the one who instigates this entire thing, harkening back to his pre-X-Men days as the costumed superhero, the Avenging Angel.  My only idea for this is to go back to the Steve Rude design from the first issue of the CHILDREN OF THE ATOM mini-series (or a slight variation on it).  The idea being that Angel just pulled out his "original" costume and used it here.
  • JACK FROST (Iceman) – Taking his new name from a Golden Age hero, Iceman is the character that I think needs the most radical design.  After all, he's simply an "ice man" when he's a student.  As Jack Frost, he definitely needs some kind of uniform to cover the majority of his "ice" form.  Also, I think it's worth it go with the more "crystallized" version of Iceman, as opposed to the early Kirby, "soft serve" version that had no facial expression whatsoever.  Maybe, as Jack Frost, this was the first time that Bobby Drake realized he could have a more solid form, and more of a face with that form.  As far as his uniform, I always thought that blue/black leather gear would look good against his ice skin.  Maybe a jacket (kinda like what you've put on Madman every so often) over some simple kind of costume…
  • MAGPIE or REDWING (Marvel Girl) – I'm torn on which name is better for Jean Grey.  Any suggestions, Mike…?  In any case, I think the only thoughts I have on her are that RED should be the primary color of her costume, and that it should utilize some sort of "bird" motif (if, for no other reason, to telegraph the fact that one day Jean will become the Phoenix… and readers might dig it if we somehow gave a nod to it here).
  • STOMP (Beast) – Okay, for the Beast, I figure he wants to disguise the features that he normally displays as an X-Man, primarily his bare feet and bare hands.  I thought it might be cool if he sported these insanely big Doc Martin-style boots (but more stylized, more colorful, more "superhero-y") that had these intense, treaded soles.  Hence, the name, "Stomp".  Yes, as Stomp, he's still an insane acrobat, but his primary offensive attack is using his boots to kick the shit out of people.  Kinda' like Gorgon from the Inhumans.

Weapon X-Men #1 by Joe Casey and Chris Cross is published by Marvel Comics on the 19th of February.

(W) Joe Casey (A) Chris Cross (CA) Alex Ross
WOLVERINE! DEADPOOL! CABLE! CHAMBER! THUNDERBIRD! Together on their very own X-team for the very first X-time – all in an X-tra-sized first issue! When a high-stakes mutant rescue mission from the ultimate global hot spot exposes the true enemy – possibly from within – an all-new team of all-action icons suddenly find themselves forged in fire. And the official membership policy is…no mercy allowed! Brought to you by returning X-writer, Joe Casey, and acclaimed artist, ChrisCross! Accept no substitutes – this is the one you didn't even know you were waiting for! This is the real thing! Rated T+In Shops: Feb 19, 2025 SRP: $4.99

(W) Joe Casey (A/CA) Chris Cross
An enemy from Wolverine's distant past has claimed his first victims – and one of them is Wolverine himself! And the rest of Weapon X-Men may not make it in time to save them from Strucker's insidious plans of world conquest! Introducing, for the first time anywhere – Wolverines of Mass Destruction!
RATED T+In Shops: Mar 26, 2025
SRP: $3.99

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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