Posted in: Comics | Tagged: aaron kuder, fantastic four, tom brevoort
When the Post Office Ruined Tom Brevoort's Fantastic Four Art
Marvel Executive Tom Brevoort was expecting a very nice page of Aaron Kuder artwork for his collection, but his local postal service had other ideas in mind for the longtime Marvel employee. Brevoort posted a photo to Twitter showing a page from Fantastic Four #5, the wedding of Ben Grimm and Alicia Masters. According to Brevoort, the "f**king local postal service left this package sitting in a puddle outside my home, turning this beautiful @AaronKuder page into waterlogged garbage."
"Thanks again Middletown post office," Brevoort added.
Here's the page from Fantastic Four #5, in happier times, before tragedy befell it.
We may not see eye-to-eye with Brevoort on some things. Most things, even. But we do have to offer our condolences on the ruination of such a great-looking piece of art. Sorry to hear about this, Tom.
Now if it was Dan Slott's script that got left in the rain, that would be another… no, you know what, now is not the time for jokes. Besides, we have to admit Slott has been doing a serviceable job with Marvel's first family.
On the bright side (they don't call us "Silver Lining" Jude Terror for nothing) this probably means Marvel will have to hold another Fantastic Four wedding so Brevoort can get a new piece of Doctor Doom art. So who should Johnny Storm marry? Let us know in the comments.