Tales of the Shire: A The Lord of the Rings Game released two new videos today, including a behind-the-scenes look at making the game
Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: blizzard, Blizzcon, Heroes of the Storm, Orphea
Blizzard Introduces Orphea in Heroes of the Storm at Blizzcon
During BlizzCon today, the company introduced a brand new hero to Heroes of the Storm, featuring a new dead magic user called Orphea. Orphea is the Heir of the Raven Court and daughter of the Raven Lord, whom you'll see her battle int he reveal trailer below. Her magic looks pretty awesome as a type of purple worm comes from the ground to do damage. Those who attended BlizzCon will get the character for free immediately, but for everyone else, she'll be added tot he game in the next update. Enjoy the trailer!

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