Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: EA Sports, Madden 19
EA Sports Tried to Predict Super Bowl LIII in Madden 19
You're going to see a lot of people make predictions on Super Bowl LIII this week, but few will actually use football to predict it, like Madden 19. EA Sports ran their own simulation of the game using the current rosters and putting both teams on autopilot as CPU to see who would actually come out on top. Which, yeah, seems like a much more accurate way of doing it than letting a cat in South Korea do it. Maybe not as cute, but possibly a little more accurate. Their prediction: the Rams will come out on top over the Patriots. Will it happen? We got a week to find out, but in the meantime, you can enjoy their brief Madden 19 video and either dream of success or curse EA for going against Brady.