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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Receives Several New Additions
This week, Square Enix dropped a ton of new updates into Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, adding in some new content. The latest batch of updates, which we have for you listed below from the developers, is to bring a bit of new life and challenge to the game following the new year. Not too much has been added as far as content from previous entries in the series, but definitely a lot of content in terms of weekly challenges and bonuses, as well as some boons for players to enjoy.
Featured Units
Beginning today, players can attempt to summon the new "Rain & Fina" Neo Vision unit.
"Rain & Fina" can perform a new type of ability called a Tag-Team Attack, which allows the unit to create an attack chain with itself. This "self-chaining" is significant, as previously chaining required at least two units to complete. "Rain & Fina" is the first "self-chaining" unit, with more to come in the future!
Players can also attempt to summon the unit "Fina & Dark Fina," which is Neo Vision Awakenable.
Both units have an increased rate of appearing through a limited-time Feature Summon.
Guaranteed Neo Vision Summon
All existing players with accounts created prior to January 21, and new players who join after January 21, will receive a special ticket which they can use to summon one of the five selected Neo Vision Units.
Players can have a chance to summon between Neo Vision units such as Cloud (FFVII Remake), Rain -Neo Vision-, Firion -Neo Vision- and more.
Free Weekly 10+1 Summon
From January 21 until March 31, players can complete one free 10+1 Summon each week, which guarantees one 5-star or Neo Vision unit.
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius New Year's Comeback Campaign
There's no better time to return to FFBE than now! Inactive players who login between January 21 and February 17 can obtain Comeback 10+1 Summon Tickets (3★/4★/5★/NV) through a limited-time login bonus.
Players can use these tickets to pull up to 14 times from the "Comeback 10+1 Ticket Summon," totaling to 154 free summons.
Ringing Out the New Year Login Bonus
Players will be treated to a special login bonus from January 21 to February 10, with rewards including up to 3000 Lapis, a Transcension Pearl, and a 1/10 NV Summon Ticket.
Additional Boons/Events for Players
From January 21 to February 10, story quests will be half NRG, "Great/Amazing Success" enhancement rates will be increased, and all Chambers will be open.
Players can earn various exciting rewards from The Visions of the Farplane Event, which runs from January 21 until February 3 (claim period ends on February 10), such as a Transcension Pearl, NV EX Tickets, rare equipment and more.
Players can face off against Shadow Lord from Final Fantasy XI in the latest Series Boss Battle event to earn Lapis and other rewards.