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Frog Fractions 2 Has Been Discovered


Frog Fractions took the gaming scene by storm back in 2012. The shell game paraded as a weird frog based fraction game, but that was in fact a shell for a very bizarre thing that sprawled bigger and bigger.

Frog Fractions 2 was kickstarted in 2014 to the tune of more than $70,000. Since then, there has been a big question as to where Frog Fractions 2 actually is, or if it had been released and no one knew it yet. 'Is this Frog Fractions 2?' even became a meme when people encountered anything weird. And I am about to tell you where it actually is, so if you don't want to know, back out.

It's actually in a game on Steam called Glittermitten Grove and it is  supposedly a substantial experience. It is only part of what Frog Fractions 2 is though, as there was a lengthy ARG going too, that had weird cereal rating shows, as well as mysterious symbols turning up various indie games. It was a weird (but great) thing, but it is good it is out there now. Have at it if you want a super weird time.

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Patrick DaneAbout Patrick Dane

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