Electronic Arts and Velan Studios will be throwing a special Block Party event in Knockout City at launch, offering a 10-Day Free Trial. Each day will have something new to offer, totally free for everyone to try, giving you a good idea of everything you can do and what will be available in the game if you decide to purchase it. You can read the full details below as everything will kick off on May 21st at 5am PT.
A look at the Knockout City Block Party schedule, courtesy of Electronic Arts.
Remind your friends to set their alarm clocks for noon UTC on May 21 so the entire Crew is ready the moment Knockout City goes live. Block Party launches alongside the game and will run until May 30 at 12 p.m. (noon) UTC. For the entire length of Block Party, the full game will be free to everyone—no matter which platform you play on—so you can fight for dodgeball dominance as you Crew Up with friends, complete Crew Contracts, and unlock custom gear! This isn't some level-capped, red-tape teaser with gated access, either. You'll have the full game at your disposal—which is good, because you'll want to try out all the new Contracts, Playlists, and content we're releasing at launch without worrying about hitting an invisible barrier.
What does all this mean? Well, for starters, from day one, you'll be able to Crew Up with friends and unlock bonus content like Epic Crew Cosmetics, up to 500 more Holobux, and Season 1 XP boosts to accelerate your progression when Season 1 starts. Plus, to keep things interesting, we're releasing four Playlists at launch: Team KO, Diamond Dash, Party Team KO, and Face-Off. You'll be so immersed in exploring every map, unlocking all that sweet, sweet content, and perfecting your catch on every Special Ball that you won't even notice you've hit Season 1.
If When you decide to purchase during Block Party, you'll receive bonus content that will stack with the rewards you've already unlocked—but don't wait! This special offer and all the customizations that come with it will disappear when Block Party ends.
Gavin is the current Games Editor for Bleeding Cool. He has been a lifelong geek who can chat with you about comics, television, video games, and even pro wrestling. He can also teach you how to play Star Trek chess, be your Mercy on Overwatch, recommend random cool music, and goes rogue in D&D. He also enjoys hundreds of other geeky things that can't be covered in a single paragraph. Follow @TheGavinSheehan on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Vero, for random pictures and musings.
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