Posted in: Games, Nintendo, Video Games | Tagged: 3DS, Badge Arcade, nintendo
Nintendo Are Ending The Badge Arcade For Japanese Players
A sign of things to come as Nintendo have announced they are shutting down the Badge Arcade in Japan, with the final update happening on May 26. No new badges will be added to the system beyond that point, however, the current existing badges will still be rotated through the system.
The company posted this update explaining the reasoning, which stems from the 3DS having storage issues related to the Arcade, as it has now reached its limit. There's no updated info about North American or European systems, but seeing as how we received our system a full year after Japan got theirs, it's likely to assume we're eventually going to see it end here as well. So if you dig the badge system, you got a head start warning, as now is the time to rack them up before they vanish for good.