Posted in: Card Games, Games, Pokémon TCG, Tabletop | Tagged: krabby, pokemon, pokemon cards, Pokemon TCG, TCG
TCG Spotlight: Some Of The Best Krabby Pokémon Cards
In honor of today's Krabby Spotlight Hour in Pokémon GO, let's take a look back at some of the most iconic Krabby cards from the Pokémon TCG. We're covering modern and vintage here, and we'd love to hear from you as well. Let us know your four favorite Krabby cards in the comments below.
In this case, the very first remains one of the best. The Fossil expansion Krabby by Mitsuhiro Arita is an adorable depiction of this beady-eyed crustacean. It's a simple card, depicting Krabby at the beach on a beautiful, clear day. Could there be a foe facing off with Krabby, causing it to snap its claws? Maybe, or maybe it's just hanging out on the sand.
Tomokazy Komiya illustrated this Krabby card that makes this Water-type Pokémon look like a giant terror of the deep blue sea. Personally, I love when the Pokémon TCG uses different styles like this, which allows us to see these beloved creatures outside of the standard depiction. The EX Crystal Guardians set tells a story of its own, with regular and Delta Species Pokémon (this means species that have been exposed to electromagnetic waves that has changed their typing, creating oddities like a Fire-typen Mew) living together in harmony.
The early XY era set Phantom Forces depicts maybe the happiest Krabby we've seen as drawn by kirisAki. This expansion focuses mainly on Ghost-type Pokémon and Mega Evolutions, but to me it is the artwork of common cards like these that makes it a fun set to open.
Finally, my personal favorite Krabby card is from Unbroken Bonds, a set that showcases Pokémon teaming up for Tag Team cards. Here, Krabby is illustrated by Sekio in this painterly, watercolor image with the little guy posed in front of a waterfall.