Posted in: Digital Extremes, Games, Video Games, Warframe | Tagged: Digital Extremes, Tencent Games, Warframe
Warframe Devs Promise The Game Will Remain Independent
After the news this past week of Tencent Games buying out the major shares to Digital Extremes, fans became concerned for Warframe. All things considered with the way some of their subsidiaries have been run in the past, there was a worry from the game's fanbase that their favorite title may go the same way. However, the developers posted a message to their fans letting them know that things will continue to operate as they previously did, just under new ownership. We have a snippet of what they wrote below as the company prepares to head into a new era.
Will Digital Extremes still independently operate Warframe?
Yes, we will continue to create great content for Warframe and we will remain creatively independent. Our focus will remain on listening to you, our community, upgrading Warframe based on your feedback, and developing the kind of great stories, gameplay, and incredible new space ninja action you've come to expect from us. Tencent is well known for respecting the creative decisions and integrity of its studios, and for giving them the autonomy and independence to experiment, innovate and thrive.Will this cause any changes to the game direction of Warframe?
Warframe's direction will remain in the hands of its development team, which is 100% dedicated to its community. We got here because of you! Our creative goals remain steadfastly focused on expanding on next-generation consoles (Xbox Series X/S), innovating with The New War, forging ahead with intense space battles (Corpus Railjack), and more surprises in 2021.Will the Chinese version of Warframe get better or faster updates than in the West?
Currently, the Chinese version of Warframe is far behind its Western counterpart. We are already working with Tencent to bring updates to the Chinese version.