Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: Aaron Helbing, Central City, cw, entertainment, flash, Gorilla Grodd, television
Flash And Friend Are Way Out Numbered As Grodd And His Army Arrive
Tonight is the second part of the two part Gorilla Grodd storyline on The Flash. Part one took Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Julian Albert and Caitlin Snow to Earth-2 and Gorilla City to save Harrison Wells. The Flash fought Solovar, king of the gorillas, in a gladiatorial battle before escaping. With Solovar's defeat, Grodd is now in charge and has put the mental whammy on Gypsy to open a portal allowing him and his army to invade Central City. Aaron Helbing, executive producer, catches us up on just how badly outnumber Team Flash is.
If I was Barry… I'd be putting the call out for Team Arrow, Team Supergirl and Team Legends.
Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 PM on the CW.