Posted in: Blumhouse, Horror, Movies | Tagged: christine, david gordon green, Halloween Ends
Halloween Ends Feels More Like A "Coming Of Age Story"
Halloween Ends will complete the David Gordon Green trilogy of films in 2022, and the director, coming off the success of Halloween Kills last month, is still out there doing press and talking the finale. In a new chat with Empire Spoiler Central Podcast, Green teases what to expect with Ends, and it is, well, not exactly at all what you might be thinking. He for sure wants to pay tribute to John Carpenter, but the comparisons he makes here…are interesting, to say the least. You can read his Halloween Ends comments below. Thanks to Indiewire for posting the quotes.
Halloween Ends + Christine = ???
"There's not a lot of games in it; there's not a lot of wittiness and retro joy. It's kind of a coming-of-age film, and it's a very different tone. And that's what excited me about it, is to have the three chapters that I've been involved in be very different from each other. They are all there to honor Carpenter but aren't necessary just emulating him. I sent Carpenter the new draft of Halloween Ends the other night, and I said, 'If it feels too 'Christine,' let me know.' For Halloween Ends, it's just a love of Carpenter, you know. It's more than just, 'Hey, here's a character and a community that you've created.' It's, 'Here's an appreciation of your legendary body of work.'"
It sounds to me first of all that Halloween Ends will be less fan service than the last two, thank god. I loved that they brought back some of the original 1978 characters, but did we need all of them? And yes, please remove some of the jokey nature. While a little bit of wit in a horror film is fine, you can inject too much easily, and Kills for sure had way too much for my taste. Characters should talk like human beings, not joke machines. As far as the rest of what he said, maybe the Christine comparison could be that film's relationship Arnie develops with the car and paralleling that with Allyson and Michael. Other than that, I got nothing. Maybe they will include the kick-ass theme from that film.
Halloween Ends releases October 14th, 2022.