Posted in: Movies | Tagged: bleeding cool, director, entertainment, fantastic four, fox, josh trank, screenplay
So, About That Fantastic Four Movie
So Bleeding Cool ran a story on Friday, that Fox had been speaking to prominent movie directors and screenwriters, asking them if they'd be willing to take over the currently-in-pre-production Fantastic Four for a new shoot in six months. Which would mean new script, new director and recasting.
Our sources were impeccable. By which we mean those who had actually been approached by Fox for this gig.
We ran the story and there was a pretty much immediate spinback from Fox via Screen Crush. Massive denial. Covered by all sorts of folks.
We are in no doubt that Fox are going ahead with their current production plans with Fantastic Four.
Right now. But, last week we were also in no doubt that they'd been looking to junk it all. And these aren't mutually exclusive notions.
It's quite possible that no one they approached said yes. Bleeding Cool knows, directly, of two big names who said no.