It was announced this morning that sci-fi author Alan Dean Foster has partnered with the newly founded international studio Pomme to bring some of his works to the world of video games Foster is primarily known for his Midworld series, but he's also worked on several well-known franchises for one-off titles and written several standalone[...]
alan dean foster Archives
The #DisneyMustPay task force has announced that Alan Dean Foster, James Kahn, and Donald F Glut, the novelization authors of the original Star Wars trilogy, have resolved their royalties' issues and will be paid by Disney.
It was Alan Dean Foster's issues with Disney that caused the current furore over the payment of residuals by Disney[...]
From Alan Dean Foster to Marvel solicits to Pokémon GO – The Daily Lying In The Gutters remains a long-running run around the day before and the day ahead You can sign up to receive it as an e-mail here.
Daily LITG: Alan Dean Foster Vs Disney – The ten most-read stories yesterday…
What you were reading[...]
Alan Dean Foster, a science-fiction author of note, has written the likes of the novelisation of the Star Wars movie as well as a sequel, Splinter Of The Mind's Eye before Empire Strikes Back was even on the blocks He also wrote the novelisations of the Alien, Aliens and Alien 3 movies The only thing[...]
Shipping in 2016.
Chuck Wendig will be writing the second and third novels in the Aftermath trilogy entitled Life Debt and Empire's End.
Alan Dean Foster will be writing a story featuring an alien character from The Force Awakens for Star Wars Insider #162.
Landry Walker is doing Tales From A Galaxy Far Far Away, High Noon on[...]
Joshua Stone reports for Bleeding Cool from Star Wars Celebration….
At the Del Rey Star Wars panel it has been revealed that science fiction novelist Alan Dean Foster is writing the novelization of Star Wars The Force Awakens.
Foster was the ghostwriter of the original novelization of Star Wars, though it was credited to George Lucas[...]