It won't be news to any readers of Bleeding Cool who originally broke this story (a number of times), but today DC Comics let news organisations run the news that Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern, was to be reinvented as a gay man for the Earth 2 series The issue in question ships to[...]
alan scott Archives
If only for scenes like this, with Kyle Rayner and Alan Scott…
Although scenes with his daughter Jen may be harder to explain…
Green Lantern Vol 3 #144 Might be worth a quick peek If only for scenes like this, with Kyle Rayner and Alan Scott…
Although scenes with his daughter Jen may be harder to explain…
Issue 1 featured a new Alan Scott, originally the first Green Lantern, who it is rumoured (and reported by Bleeding Cool) will be revealed as a gay man in issue 2.
Chris Roberson is a writer who was working for DC Comics until spoke out about what he saw as immoral publishing practices at the company,[...]
This weekend we named the character as Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern from the nineteen forties And the media cycle began again.
Again, I hear the repeated cry, "why not just create another character intended to be gay? Why change an existing character?" Here's my best answer.
Superhero comics are a conservative genre I don't specifically[...]
The big news story of the week continued on Sunday: Well, at Phoenix Comic Con, I had a much stronger source confirm to me that, yes, it is indeed Alan Scott On that basis I feel confident in calling it Keep your Earth 2 #1 in good nick, and start queuing up for Earth 2[...]
A few days ago, I ran semi-sourced stories indicating that the character who DC Comics announced as being reintroduced to the New 52 DC Universe as a gay man, was Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern, who appeared in Earth 2 #1 briefly,
Well, at Phoenix Comic Con, I had a much stronger source confirm to[...]
Rich has heard from some of his sources about which iconic character will be reintroduced as a gay man: If my assumptions are correct, we will learn of Alan Scott's sexual orientation and his role as a Green Lantern of Earth Two in Earth Two #2, out next month I've seen plenty of other theories on[...]
Not like DC Comics renumbering all their New DCU comics to issues zero through September, say.
This is based on a number of well sourced people and involves considerable hearsay.
It does however make a lot of sense.
Who is the, as yet unknown gay character being reintroduced to the DC Comics superhero titles? Male, an iconic character,[...]