Avalanche Studios Archives

Vote For What Goes Into The Just Cause 3 Collector's Edition
They usually contain one or two things you'd really want (at an extortionate price) and then have a bunch of other tat that just ends up taking up room. That is why I like what Avalanche Studios is offering They are letting their community decide what goes into the collector's edition of Just Cause 3's by voting[...]
Avalanche's Mad Max Game Releasing September 1st
Now here we are in 2015 and we still haven't seen too much of the title. That should all change soon though as Just Cause developer Avalanche Studios announced the game would be hitting September 1st I'd guess that extended footage of the game in action should hit the web soon. From what I remember it was[...]
There Was Once A Toy Story Game About All The Characters In Star Command
This one goes out to them. Just Cause helmers Avalanche Studios were once working on a Toy Story game that had the entire cast of characters as part of Buzz's Star Command Concept Art for the title has been shared on Sam Nielson's blog (via Polygon), where he briefly alludes to the project[...]