This 11×17 original colour Wonder Woman sketch by Yanick Paquette was stolen out of Fred Bronaugh's car at Baltimore Comic Con.
If someone tries to sell it to you, please let him – and us -know.
This 11×17 original colour Wonder Woman sketch by Yanick Paquette was stolen out of Fred Bronaugh's car at Baltimore Comic Con.
If someone[...]
baltimore Archives
Nathan Becker went to the Valiant Entertainment panel at Baltimore Comic Con today.
At Valiant's panel today they talked all things Reborn, and what is coming up is going to be epic!
Bloodshot #18, the epilogue to Bloodshot Island has a cover I want to slab For any Jaws fans out there, this is a must have[...]
This is what happens when everyone at Baltimore Comic Con has to evacuate the convention centre….
…courtesy of our friend Dennis Barger who also found himself on the outs for a second show in a row.
Find more from Baltimore…
Is there a rule that at every comic convention someone has to trigger the fire alarm?
It seems[...]
Devon Sanders writes from Baltimore Comic Con,
The Marvel panel was a fairly uneventful one, short on news and announcements, opening in a Q&A format with some of Marvel's top talent, Daredevil writer Charles Soule, Champions writer Mark Waid, Totally Awesome Hulk writer Greg Pak, and FF artist Barry Kitson on stage.
Hey! Note to all reading[...]
Nathan Becker writes,
At the Boom! Studios panel at Baltimore Comic Con, two big reveals were announced!
Grant Morrison will be reprising his Klaus series in December with Klaus and the Witch of Winter it's Santa Klaus in space! More details to come in the future.
Boom! also announced that Kong of Skull Island is such a big[...]
Nathan Becker writes,
I attended the Baltimore Comic Con's Future of Valiant panel and below is a never before seen first look at Divinity III art.
Divinity is coming out in December 2016 with the same team as the Previous mini series.
Valiant shared that you may recognize the guy in the photos!
Nathan Becker writes,
I attended the[...]
The comic will be colored when issue 1 hits in January, and I'm not going to spoil anything, but the comic has a compelling lead that leaves you wanting more.
If you are at Baltimore, I recommend stopping by to talk, and if not, put him on your must visit list at your next Con.
See more[...]
At the Baltimore Diamond Retail Summit, Aftershock announced that Animosity, the new comic by Marguerite Bennett and Rafael de Latorre, has seen orders for its third issue beat those of its second – a rare feat today and a sign of real hit The only other comic doing that right now is Green Arrow…
Aftershock are[...]
Nathan Becker writes,
This is James Tynion IV signing autographs at the Baltimore Comic Con.
I had the pleasure to talk with the writer of the hit Batman and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crossover series, as well as, the DC Rebirth series Detective Comics Not only did James sign some comics, he discussed Batman as well.
Devon Sanders went to the DC Rebirth panel at Baltimore Comic-Con.
DC Comics co-publisher Dan DiDio hosted the panel consisting of Batman writer Tom King, Batgirl writer Hope Larson, Detective Comics writer James Tynion IV, Doctor Fate writer Paul Levitz, Blue Beetle and Scooby Apocalypse writer Keith Giffen, Action Comics writer Dan Jurgens and Wonder Woman:[...]
At the Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit, they announced that the Olive Branch hub of Diamond is to be completely made over, redesigned and retooled.
Increasing storage capacity… how much stuff they can have Increasing throughput capaciyty – how fast it moves in and out… And reducing mistakes and damages This got the cheer…
The proof, as[...]
Here are a few art commissions Frank Cho has been doing at Baltimore Comic Con this weekend His major art commission list is closed, but he'll still be doing head and torso commissions at the show at his table, Booth 2103.
You know, if you are feeling low on Outrage!
Here are a few[...]
Another product mentioned by Marvel SVP David Gabriel at the Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit was this Premium Star Wars Slipcase Box Set containing all the comic book adaptations created by Marvel and Dark Horse for the 7 Star Wars movies so far, as well as the first year of Marvel's Star Wars and Darth[...]
Another product mentioned by Marvel SVP David Gabriel at the Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit was the launch of a new Doctor Strange series, Doctor Strange And The Sorcerors Supreme.
Marvel had mentioned it before but folk hadn't had a peek at Javier Rodriguez' artwork…
his Premium Star Wars Slipcase Box Set containing all the comic book adaptations created by[...]
A run through the Dark Horse presentation at Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit from yesterday… courtesy of retailer Dennis Barger who is our man on the ground!
Mostly self-explanatory – but Dennis has held the Sin City: The Hard Goodbye complete oversized original art facsimile edition in his hands and has declared it a deadly weapon, a[...]
At the Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit yesterday, Action Lab Comics took to the stage to announce their new plans, to give five million comics away to free to schools across America as part of a reading programme and industry outreach, partnering with Diamond, Pop Culture Classroom and Reading With Pictures, to create lessons to go[...]
Bleeding Cool has been providing an extraordinary amount of coverage to the Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit, as even our rivals have noted.
But next year we won't be covering it at all.
Because it's moving from just before the Baltimore Comic Con in the autumn to just before C2E2 in Chicago in the spring of 2017.
Which also[...]
And they want to point out how they've been growing.
At Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit they talked about how their plan to reduce the amount of titles thy published led to greater overall sales, able to more carefully curate the line, and market it.
How they are selling blocks of their top twenty best selling first volumes collections[...]
There are a few exclusive comics and items being sold at Baltimore Comic Con this weekend Not that you'd know it from their website however Nevertheless, here are just a few of them.
UPDATE: Now with added Black Mask titles.
Black #1 (limited to 99), Young Terrorists #2 (limited to 99), Tomorrow's ashes #1 (limited to 50).
Eric Powell, comic book creator of The Goon, and now creator and publisher of Albatross Press, with his self published titles Hilbilly and Spook House, took to the stage at the Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit to promote his sold out comics and tease a couple of new titles for next year.
Namwolf by Fabian Rangel Jr and Logan[...]
Marvel showed this line at the Retailer Lunch at San Diego Comic-Con this year, and they slapped it up again at the end of the Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit presentation today.
This time we got a little more David Gabriel talked about how it tied in strongly with their Divided We Stand image, and talked about the[...]
From the Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit, Marvel is adding another item to their Local Comic Shop Day 2016 list Saturday November 19th will see many participating comic stores offer exclusive items only available that day.
Including what Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Valiant and Dark Horse had in mind.
Well, Marvel has another to add, a Neal Adams variant edition of[...]
More from the Marvel presentation at the Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit…
A line of branded short comic boxes, for storing comic boxes, all branded with Marvel products, and starting in 2017 with Champions livery covering the corrugated card.
For more spilling out of Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit, click here.
More from the Marvel presentation at the Baltimore Diamond[...]
More from the Marvel presentation at the Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit…
The first pages of Death Of X #1 by Aaron Kuder...
The first time we've seen the cover for Inhumans Vs X-Men #1 for December… With some variant covers by Kenneth Rocafort And a look at Leinul Yu's art from that comic as well[...]
More from the Marvel presentation at the Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit… including a peek at Jim Cheung's artwork for the Spider-Man event that sees all sorts of people revived from the dead.
And a look ahead at Mark Bagley's lithograph for the series, available with Clone Conspiracy #1.
For more spilling out of Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit,[...]
More from the Marvel presentation at the Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit, with the news that USAvengers will be launching in the first week of January, with a special promotion in which each state will get a different Avenger – and a different cover…
For more spilling out of Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit, click here.
More from the Marvel presentation at the Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit…
We already told you that Marvel would be running a 1:1000 variant cover for the launch of Champions #1 in October, in an attempt by Marvel to get orders for 300,000 of them.
Well now we get a peek of the cover by Mike Hawthorne, of[...]
From the Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit, from Marvel's presentation to the assembled comic book stores…
Next year will see what would have been the 100th birthday for the creator of much of the Marvel Universe, Jack Kirby And, spurred by the Jack Kirby variant for Civil War II: The Fallen, and that the publisher has legally settled[...]
Again, from the Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit, from Marvel's presentation, they promised, following up on Death Of X and Inhumans Vs X-Men…Resurrxion.
Say, since MU isn't it, maybe this could be the revival of Wolverine? Or Cyclops? Or, I don't know, Professor X?
For more spilling out of Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit, click here.
Marvel Comics has been teasing "MU" with Cullen Bunn, Steve McNiven, Leinil Yu, Greg Land, Andy Kubert and Salvador Larocca.
And now we know.
Monsters Unleashed.
More to come it seems…
For more spilling out of Baltimore Diamond Retailer Summit, click here.
Marvel Comics has been teasing "MU" with Cullen Bunn, Steve McNiven, Leinil Yu, Greg Land, Andy Kubert[...]