Batman Day Archives

Full Details Of Harley Quinn's Takeover Of Batman Day Revealed
If you've been following along, you know that Bleeding Cool was the FIRST to report that Harley Quinn will take over Batman Day on September 23 You'd know that because we bring it up every time we talk about it Sometimes, even when it's not even related to the subject The other day, we were[...]
Batman Gets Ready For Batman Day
Tomorrow, September 26th, is Batman Day and DC Entertainment has been doing a lot of promotions for it… but the oddest may be this one from DC Collectibles using one of their action figures and stop-motion photography to create this video of Bruce Wayne preparing for his big day. For more information on Batman Day, click[...]
A Comic Show – Every Day Is Batman Day! (VIDEO) can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: A COMIC SHOW 9.23.15: EVERY DAY IS BATMAN DAY! ( Aaron Haaland writes, Hey Fandom! This week is a lot about Saturday's BATMAN DAY, we'll have a huge sale in addition to the free Bat-Swag[...]
Batman Day Will Be Every September Now
Saturday, September 26th is Batman Day 2015! While 2014's equivalent was held in the run-up to San Diego Comic Con, I understand that the end of the September will now be the fixed date for such Bat-activities in years to come. As we reported, stores will be giving away copies of Batman Endgame Special Edition #1[...]
An Original Batman & Robin Eternal Story, Given Away On Batman Day
Daniel. It will be made available on September 23rd, ahead of September 26th, this year's Batman Day the Batman Endgame hardcover will be brought forward tobe published on the same day.   Batman Endgame Special #1 is a reprint of Batman #35 by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, the beginning of the recent Endgame storyline gueststarring the[...]
DC Comics Gives Us A Second Batman Day On September 26th. Make Your Own Masks.
But the French would just laugh. Last year on July 23rd, coinciding with San Diego Comic Con, DC Comics held a "Batman Day" for the launch of a new Detective Comics #27. They gave away masks. Well, this year they are doing it again I don't know about the masks, but on September 26th there will be stuff going[...]
A Comic Show – It's Batman And Doctor Who Day (And SDCC!)
And it's Batman Day July 23rd, 75 years of the Dark Knight! Johns and JR JR continue to save Superman Marvel's Storm #1 by Greg Pak made the personal political and her title both fun and relevant Over in Amazing Spider-Man Slott used Original Sin to introduce Silk, and it worked Saga is still the[...]
Things To Do In New York And Philadelphia In July If You Like Comics (UPDATE)
Be there". Wednesday, July 23rd All three Midtown Comics locations in New York City will be celebrating Batman Day, the 75th Anniversary of Batman, on July 23rd They say: "Help Midtown Comics Celebrate The 75th Anniversary of the Dark Knight! Batman Day is Wednesday, July 23, and Midtown Comics is excited to celebrate this monumental event! Batman[...]