The latest Brilliant Event in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, Hogwarts for the Holidays Part 1, is wrapping up tomorrow As this Christmas-themed event ends, kicking off the final month of Niantic's second year of this game continuing J K Rowling's iconic novels, let's take a look back on this Brilliant Event and see how it measured[...]
brilliant event Archives
The current Brilliant Event in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite focuses on one of the most important scenes from the books: the clash between Death Eaters and Dumbledore's Army that took place in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix As the first part of the event wraps up, Wizards Unite will shift to Battle of the[...]
The Battle of the Department of Mysteries Brilliant Event Part 2 will begin in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite directly on the heels of Part 1 The event, which will run from September 22nd to the 29th, will have another series of special tasks for wizards and witches to complete.
Department Of Mysteries Part 2 Tasks In Harry[...]
The Battle of the Department of Mysteries Brilliant Event Part One is now live in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Along with offering event-themed Foundables, all of which we reported on here, there will be a series of tasks that witches and wizards must complete in order to maximize on this Brilliant Event before Part Two begins[...]