careers Archives

Eagle-Con 2020 Brings High Powered Guests To Cal State LA
There was a requisite "getting into the industry" panel with Sara Escamilla (graphic designer, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet, Vida) and Michael Allen Glover (art director, Ghosted and Dirty John, assistant art director, Supergirl). Friday saw science fiction writer Brandon Easton (Transformers: War for Cybertron – Siege, Star Trek: Year Five, Marvel Action Spider-Man, Marvel's Agent Carter) receive[...]
Microsoft Might be Giving Xbox One a New Achievement System
Microsoft might be preparing to launch a new achievement system called "Careers" to sit alongside the current Xbox achievement system, according to a recent report by Windows Central. credit//Turn 10 Studios The new system is supposedly designed to compensate for the fact that the current achievement system emphasizes playing a wide breadth of games quickly over completion[...]