chris chibnall Archives

Doctor Who: Empire of Death: A Deep Dive into the Story Tropes
It felt more so when a new Doctor entered with a new showrunner as with the two Doctors Moffat created, then Chris Chibnall's era with Jodie Whittaker felt like a different show with a difference in tone Come to think of it, each of Peter Capaldi's seasons felt like a different show because of the[...]
Jodie Whittaker & David Tennant: Doctors Stick Together
Broadchurch was created by Chris Chibnall, and its success as the top-rated drama series during its three seasons made Chibnall a hot showrunner who ended up getting the job when Steven Moffat left Chibnall ended up casting her during his tenure as Showrunner Then, when she left the role with Chibnall, and Davies returned as[...]
Doctor Who: Jo Martin's Fugitive Doctor is the One We Want Next
Then-Showrunner Chris Chibnall created her to throw in a surpise twist to the series and to the canon The two incarnations did not like each other but had to team up to get out of the predicament they were both in It was endlessly enjoyable because of Whittaker and Martin's chemistry and the banter arising[...]
Doctor Who
Then Chris Chibnall brought back Tegan and Ace (Sophie Aldred) and gave Langford a cameo in his finale story Now Davies has brought back Mel in three episodes, and she got to do more proactively than Mel did in her whole two years on the show Actors want to do more than look pretty and[...]
Doctor Who: Russell T. Davies Teases Finale with Multimedia Blitz
This is a far cry for the Chris Chibnall era when promos were mostly cricket chirps in the night, probably due to budgetary issues and then the Pandemic, though the series was promoted better during Lockdown than most TV series. So on top of "Empire of Death," we're getting the UK-exclusive Tales of the Tardis with[...]
Doctor Who: How The Last Time Lord & Timeless Child Add New Layers
They especially hate the Timeless Child thread layer introduced by Chris Chibnall Instead of retconning it away or ignoring it, Russell T Davies has kept it and found the emotional implications of that, and made it matter. "Doctor Who" Image: BBC/Disney+ How "Doctor Who" is Made New and Old Again Davies was the one who reintroduced the Doctor[...]
Doctor Who Kicks Off the Disney Era with Gleeful Insanity
Davies and Moffat are friends along with previous showrunner Chris Chibnall and their ideas influence each other's Davies has taken the "Timeless Child" and the "Impossible Girl" threads and injected them with more theme and emotion to give them weight for his new run on the series Ruby is not just a puzzle or plot[...]
Doctor Who: The Beauty of the Horror of The Weeping Angels
The more exposed they are, the more they lose their mystery, which nearly happened during "Flux," though Chris Chibnall did steal some cool horror moments from Japanese horror movies of them creeping out of TV screens like Sadako from The Ring to scare the kids Because the Angels are nothing if they don't scare the[...]
Doctor Who's Chris Chibnall Adapting Agatha Christie for Netflix
Former Doctor Who  showrunner Chris Chibnall has landed his new TV gig after launching a stage play (his third) and sold his first novel: he's adapting Agatha Christie's murder mystery (what else would you expect from her?) The Seven Dials Mystery for Netflix The series will be written by Chibnall and executive produced by The Crown executive producer[...]
Chibnall Forgot To Write For Doctor Who - Daily LITG 10th August 2022
Chris Chibnall, writer and former showrunner for Doctor Who, when Jodie Whittaker played the Doctor, as well as Law And Order UK, Life on Mars, Torchwood and creator of the TV series Broadchurch, and comic strip writer, has just sold his new novel at auction, Death at the White Hart, apparently revolves around a "web[...]
Doctor Who: Kate Lethbridge-Stewart and UNIT Still Have the Same Flaws
She appeared in another direct-to-DVD unofficial spinoff sequel, 2004's Dæmos Rising, as the lead, still a civilian and working with an ex-UNIT to investigate a village haunting and tangling with an enemy of the Third Doctor. When "Doctor Who" Introduced Kate Stewart 2.0 It was Chris Chibnall who brought Kate to the new series of Doctor[...]
Doctor Who: New Year’s Day is Not Good for The Doctor
Whoever edits these compilation videos might be an unsung secret critic of the series in its ups and downs. Doctor Who New Year's Special key artl: BBC Chris Chibnall was the one who made Doctor Who New Year's Day Specials a thing Unfortunately, all three of his specials were mediocre They turned New Year's Day in the[...]
doctor who
Steven Moffat made sure the script of "The Day of the Doctor", the 50th Anniversary event, would make a crossover matter, tackling not just continuity lore (and also restoring Gallifrey before Chris Chibnall blew it all up again later), and even finding a way to give every known Doctor and incoming new Doctor Peter Capaldi a[...]
Doctor Who Christmas Specials: BBC Reminds Us the Show is Christmassy
For some reason, when Chris Chibnall took over as showrunner, they stopped doing Christmas specials and relegated the annual special to New Year's Day, which always involved a Dalek invasion We should probably be grateful we didn't get mediocre Christmas Specials for three years. Now that we think about it, how many times a year can[...]
doctor who
Chris Chibnall hinted at it but always avoided addressing it directly Rather than retcon or ignore things Chibnall wrote that so many fans hated to the point of obsession, Davies acknowledged it and used it to add even more depth and pathos to the Doctor's tragedy Donna gets her own moment about her doubts and[...]
doctor who
Chris Chibnall may have said – only once – that The Doctor is nonbinary, but he always shied away from it on the show Here Davies declares it loud and proud in the show on top of the supporting and compassionate treatment of Rose, knowing it's going to give certain idiots out there heart attacks[...]
Doctor Who
Or rather, perhaps they needed to leave to come back for another hurrah. Doctor Who and Pudsey: BBC It's only a five-minute episode or comedy sketch, yet it shows what we've missed for nearly five years: consistently surprising and hilarious Doctor Who, despite Chris Chibnall's best efforts to keep the show on course Comedian Mawaan Rizwan sells[...]
Doctor Who: Another Look at Regenerations Before the 60th Anniversary
Davies, Steven Moffat, and Chris Chibnall made sure of that. "Doctor Who": BBC In the old show, regenerations were filmed by just placing the actors who played the Doctors in the same position as they lay on the floor and using simple video editing to cross-fade and some chromakey effects to show the transformation from the dying[...]
Doctor Who: Will the 60th Anniversary Specials Debut First in Asia?
BBC America, which co-financed the series from Series Five (Matt Smith and Steven Moffat's first season) to Series Thirteen (Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall's final season), would live-broadcast the show on the same day but in the evening in the US, hours after the UK premiere before going to streaming Disney+ co-financing and licensing the[...]
Doctor Who: BBC Releases Compilation Video of Dalek Exterminations
And in a big interview with The Mirror, he has suggested that maybe it's time the Daleks (and the Cybermen) take a break. Look! It's Daleks from "Doctor Who"! Credit: BBC America "I do think we've had a lot of Daleks lately," he explained, adding that all of Chris Chibnall's New Year's Day specials had them as[...]
Doctor Who: The Timeless Child Did the Show a Huge Favour
Previous showrunner Chris Chibnall dropped the big surprise in the Doctor's origin story during "Flux," where he revealed that The Doctor was a child who showed up in Gallifrey from an unknown place and was immortal, introducing the ability to regenerate to Gallifreyan society that enabled the whole race to live forever long enough to[...]
Doctor Who: The Fun of the Cybermen
Steven Moffat made them almost comic foils sometimes without altering them, and then Chris Chibnall made their detachable heads even deadlier by having them fly as squads, on top of introducing Ashad, the Lone Cyberman who's broken and returns with his personality, which was already evil before he became a Cyberman He was more than[...]
doctor who
But another reason to check it out – and a huge reason to check out the clip below – is that the event included "The Three Showrunners" – Steven Moffat, Chris Chibnall & Russell T Davies. Image: BBC Screencap In the following clip, the trio who crafted the long-running show's return and (hopefully) bright future discuss how[...]
doctor who
Director Jamie Childs was tasked with helping to usher in the Jodie Whittaker era, starting with the 2018 Series 11 premiere "The Woman Who Fell to Earth" under the guidance of showrunner Chris Chibnall Childs, who would later work on HBO's His Dark Materials, Netflix's The Sandman, and Disney+'s Willow, proceeded to direct three more[...]
Doctor Who
Davies, Steven Moffat & Chris Chibnall having a showrunner reunion during Doctor Who @ 60: A Musical Celebration Held at BBC Hoddinott Hall in Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff (with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales and the BBC Singers, conducted by Alastair King), the concert celebrated the musical history of the long-running series and featured[...]
doctor who
It also created a very cool moment that RTD captured & shared on Instagram. Image: BBC With the caption, "The three showrunners!" RTD posted an image of himself with Steven Moffat and Chris Chibnall – and with it being the season of the show's 60th anniversary, it just feels right Here's a look at the post from[...]
doctor who
Davies, Steven Moffat, and Chris Chibnall have leaned into this theme more deeply than in the older version of the show The Ninth Doctor sacrifices himself to save Rose (Billie Piper) The Tenth Doctor falters with a moment's hesitation before he sacrifices himself to save Wilf (Bernard Cribbins) The Eleventh Doctor gives up the last[...]
Shin, Queen of the Sea: Tsui Hark to Produce Chinese Pirate Queen Epic
He then directed and produced Water Gate Bridge (2022), the film grossed $556 million, making it the highest-grossing film of 2022. "I couldn't be more excited to tackle the vastly cinematic and almost unbelievable story of Shih Yang, who, as Anthony superbly tells it, and as history confirms, rose from being a poor worker on a[...]
The Fourteenth Doctor And More Changes Coming For Doctor Who
So with the show looking to spend the next few months embracing its past before moving ahead with a bright future, some fans are wondering why The Guardian felt the need to take what they felt was a cheap shot at previous showrunner Chris Chibnall's expense. BBC PR Doctor Who In The Guardian's Autumn 2023 Top TV[...]
Doctor Who: Jo Martin's Fugitive Doctor is the One We Want Next
The BBC released a compilation video of Series Twelve of Doctor Who, Jodie Whittaker & Chris Chibnall's season, and it's interesting to consider it in retrospect That series was a season full of potential and promise, but Chibnall just couldn't stick the landing The problem being that he didn't really come up with anything new,[...]