Cody Rhodes Archives

Former WWE Wrestler Cody Rhodes Confirms Opponent For ROH Final Battle
Former WWE wrestler Cody Rhodes has been doing okay for himself after leaving the pro wrestling company earlier this year Rhodes has competed in independent promotions Evolve, PWG, and TNA, and appeared as villain Derek Sampson on an episode of Arrow, "A Matter of Trust," in October But perhaps Rhodes' most anticipated debut is for Ring[...]
You Can't Swing A Dead Cat Without Hitting A Vigilante On Arrow
The name of the drug was a nod to the man playing the drug dealer Derek Sampson… former WWE wrestler Cody Rhodes, though credited under his birth name Cody Runnels. The main theme of the episode was a mix of trust and leadership Oliver Queen needed to trust Thea at the office, Green Arrow needed to trust[...]
Stardust Vs Stephen Amell Round 2 – Tonight On Arrow
Cody Rhodes, the former WWE Wrestler Stardust, makes his debut on Arrow tonight as Derrick Sampson a Stardust dealer… see what they did there… affected by his own drugs Rhodes of course wrestled and feuded with Arrow star Stephen Amell back in 2015 Now he gets to terrorize Oliver Queen / Green Arrow instead. Arrow airs Wednesdays[...]
Cody Rhodes Had Already Joined A Warner Bros Universe
Former WWE star Cody Rhodes AKA Stardust is set to make his debut on Arrow during the fifth season Rhodes and Stephen Amell became embroiled in a wrestling feud last summer that lead to the two facing off in the ring Now, Rhodes has left the WWE and is looking to make a name for[...]
Cody Rhodes Sports Custom Arrow Season 5 Jacket
It's pretty safe to say that when Cody Rhodes appearance in season five of Arrow, he's probably going to be a bad guy Rhodes, who is best known from his days with the WWE as Stardust where he wrestled against Stephen Amell, has started training for his upcoming episode of the hit CW series When[...]
Stephen Amell Announces Cody Rhodes To Appear On Arrow
Former WWE wrestler Stardust (Cody Rhodes) will appear on the third episode of Arrow season 5 Rhodes and Amell were pitted against each other in Wrestling and when Rhodes announced he was leaving the WWE to pursue a career in acting, it seems like good odds he would show up on Amell's series.   Stephen Amell Announces[...]