Comics have a complicated relationship with race and racial stereotypes so let's look into that and let's look at Golden Legacy Comics.
comics & complication Archives
Comics have long been on the front lines of social issues, with Stan Lee eschewing the Comics Code Authority by depicting the slippery slope of drug use
Welcome to the seventh entry in the Comics & Complication series The first dealt with the concept of heroism and The Nail, the second looked into anger and World War Hulk, the third is about comics as propaganda for social change, the fourth entry is about Spider-Man and his place in the health care system,[...]
Welcome to the fifth Comics & Complication series The first dealt with the concept of heroism and The Nail, the second looked into anger and World War Hulk, the third is about comics as propaganda for social change, the fourth entry is about Spider-Man and his place in the health care system, and the fifth[...]
Welcome to the fifth Comics & Complication series The first dealt with the concept of heroism and The Nail, the second looked into anger and World War Hulk, the third is about comics as propaganda for social change, and the fourth entry is about Spider-Man and his place in the health care system The American flag[...]
Time for another edition of Comics & Complication In the first article, we dug into JLA: The Nail and the concept of heroism and in the second we looked at World War Hulk and the idea of anger This week, we're looking at how propaganda in comics can be used to influence social movements Superman[...]
Jerry Siegel took the death of his father and created Superman; taking trauma and processing it through heroic properties is a transformative experience.