Comics Archives

A New Rights Issue Waiting To Happen – Namor, The Sub-Mariner?
So we have rumours of a Namor The Sub Mariner movie planned, wither at Universal of Marvel depending who is talking. But here is a very interesting point to touch about a supposed Namor movie. He is one of the rare Marvel characters that has an actual, 100% solid rights-reversion case. Here's how it goes. The first appearance of[...]
Some Of The Tales Of The Batman: Carmine Infantino
DC Comics recently published Tales Of The Batman: Carmine Infantino collecting the stories that turned Batman away from his more campy side and in the direction of the Batman of today But are the choice of issues all they're cracked up to be? The solicitation reads, The "new look" Batman made his debut in 1964, and[...]
Writer's Commentary – Nancy Collins on Vampirella #1
Nancy Collins, famous for her character Sonja Blue, recently returned to comics to write a Red Sonja story for Dynamite That has lead to her taking on the iconic Vampirella in a relaunch of the character This week we saw the release of the first issue and now Nancy is letting us see behind the[...]
Special Preview – Indie Sensation And Pirate Adventure Anne Bonnie #2
When he brought the first issue to print with fledgling Blue Juice Comics as a creator-owned project, he didn't really know what to expect, but lightning struck and the first issue was a major success, selling out in its early print run at comic cons rather rapidly That was more than enough to encourage him[...]
Taking Action Cat To The Mat – Daniels And Kazarian Wrestle Aw Yeah Comics!
So there has always been a natural connection between the two industries and we've seen comics starring wrestlers frequently… But I don't think we've seen any like this. Wrestling duo Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian teamed up with Art Baltazar and Franco to create this unique issue of Christopher Daniels And Kazarian Wrestle Aw Yeah Comics![...]
Theater Festival Devoted To Comics Is Underway In New York For The Month Of June
The Brick Theater in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, is hosting their "second issue" of their Comic Book Theater Festival throughout the month of June and have a raucous line up of deeply creative projects, all devoted to the comics medium From comic stories brought to life through actors, to performance-read comics with visual elements, this is a[...]
Michael Uslan Talks The Avenger, The Shadow And Doc Savage – Justice, Inc.
Roger Ash of Westfield Comics chatted with series writer Michael Uslan about the new series. ROGER ASH: How did you become involved with Justice, Inc.? MICHAEL USLAN: Some years back, I was working on a way to bring The Street & Smith Pulp/Comics Super-Hero Trinity of Doc Savage, The Shadow and The Avenger to the silver screen[...]
Geek Easy Bar Crowd Funds Expansion
And now we are running a crowd funding campaign to expand that bar at I know comics, that's not a problem, but the bar has been kicking my ass It won the award for best kept secret Orlando, then the secret got out and business exploded It was clear from the start that comic nerds[...]
I Think Clayton Crain Might Like Demolition Man (UPDATE)
From Demolition Man – the "Three Sea Shells" scene. [youtube][/youtube] And selected panels from the very pretty future-set Rai #2 from this week's comics. Three seashells! I think we know what films Matt Kindt has a soft spot for. UPDATE: We receive the following note: I have it on good authority that was Mr[...]
Self Swipe File: Rob Liefeld's X-Force And Bloodstrike
  This is the solicited cover for Bloodstrike #35, published online in December 2012 for publication from Image Comics in March 2013… The series was never published though art from the series was used to illustrate Liefeld's Kickstarter appeal for a Brigade comic which raised $35,000 but still without the promised publication Currently Rob Liefeld says that,[...]
A Drunk Mark Millar On BBC Newsnight And Previews Of MPH #2
There's also a clip on YouTube, but as Mark says, If you click the iPlayer link you'll get an extra 2 min intro, a very cool thing I didn't expect being LOADS OF SPOILERS for issue 2 as we sent about 50 pages to Newsnight before the show [youtube][/youtube] There's the usual overclaim, and Mark Millar has deconflated[...]
Bill Finger Gets His Cover Credit For Detective Comics #27 For Batman Day
Reprinting work from the original Detective Comics #27 that first features Batman, his name is up there in lights Probably not with a co-creator credit inside, Bob Kane's contract remains watertight after his death, but it's something… Because right now, all is not good with DC Comics and Finger's family…   It's a tale that most comic[...]
Gerard Way To Write A New Spider-Man In September
He seemed to have been out of sorts with Marvel and DC Comics of late. But the impending Spider-Verse event seems to have brought writer David Hine back to Marvel, reviving his popular Spider-Man Noir character with Fabrice Sapolsky, as the event sees to take in every version of Spider-Man ever portrayed, legally at least. The Edge[...]
This Is What A Quarter Of A Million Comics In Longboxes Looks Like
Wonderworld comics owners Dennis Barger and Robert Bowman in Taylor MI are selling off their their 250,000 back issues of comic books to whoever will take them In bulk. Citing increases in rent and the reducing demand at shows for the dollar box –  as well as the DC Comics reboot – they say they have lost faith[...]
Evergreen – Watch Grant Morrison Interviewed On Getting Bald And Doing Magic
Thanks also to the good folks at Midtown Comics in NYC for hosting Grant's appearance. Tony Wolf is an actor, voice-over guy, sometime illustrator and rabid pop culture fan in New York City.  He can be found lurking about at and was the co-host of Michael Turney shot and edited this video[...]
Preview Boom's New York Set Occult Thriller Thomas Alsop
It's written by filmmaker, actor, and comics creator Chris Miskiewicz, who's no stranger to the horror genre or New York set stories It's with some relief that I heard that it's coming to print a last, in all its water-colory glory as the supernatural invades the boroughs Rich Johnston, when he heard about it, called[...]
Image Watch: Spreading The Love Of Spread With Justin Jordan & Kyle Strahm
Tell us a little but about how you and Kyle started cooking up this idea. Justin Jordan: The real origin of the book was two things that sort of bonded together in my head, which is often how comics come about I was watching some zombie thing, probably Walking Dead, and got to idly thinking that[...]