Comics Archives

CB Cebulski To Quit Marvel Publishing? CONFIRMED – UPDATE
It has reached my ear that at Tuesday's editorial retreat, Marvel Comics' Senior Vice President of Talent Co-ordination, CB Cebulski informed the folks present that he will be leaving to assume a larger role in the Marvel/Disney organisation. The details are sketchy, right now But could he be moving out West where his choice of shirts[...]
Marguerite Bennett's First Comic Book Series – Butterfly
Last month, Boom! did the business with The Woods, their highest launching original series from their core Studios imprint since Mark Waid's Irredeemable. The Woods has sold over 17,000 copies  with strong reorder activity. Yesterday, Boom! announced that they were launching a new action spy comic series called Butterfly under their Archaia imprint, written by screenwriter Arash Amel. But it's also co-written by Marguerite Bennett, who[...]
J Scott Campbell's Rocket Raccoon #1… (COLOUR UPDATE)
J Scott Campbell is working on a retailer exclusive cover for Rocket Raccoon #1, the upcoming funny animal comic by Skottie Young that will be outselling every other comic book in the direct market this July. But for this one, you'll have to talk to Midtown Comics in New York or Limited Edition Comix in the[...]
Outcast Up Top Of Advance Reorders
Greetings from the coal face of the direct comics market Where retailers try to increase their orders of certain comics ahead of sale Where supply and demand and most accurately reflected, where you can see which books are hot, where new orders are coming in and how retailers are reacting to new, unanticipated desire! Advance reorders[...]
Swipe File: Doctor Who And Bill & Ted
This is a cartoon created by Chad Porter in 2013 and published on DeviantArt. At the time he said, This has been a running gag in my head for some time
Brass Sun #1 Sells Out Of 4,000 First Print, V-Wars #2 Sells Out Of 9,500
Expect a third soon. Following on the unexpected success of Dredd: Underbelly, this may prove a successful new business model for Rebellion, recreating 2000AD comics in US format – and just not telling anyone that's what you're doing. And, you know, using nicer paper. IDW's new fantasy sci-fi release V-Wars has also done pretty well[...]
Late Night Fantastic Four Play
X-Men will match If not exceed ASM2's domestic box office, meaning lots of eyeballs, but there are no toy tie-ins. The Fox shut out is real. —
Tony Lee And Dan Boultwood's Baker Street Irregulars Hits The Stage
The Baker Street Irregulars is a comic book by Tony Lee and Dan Boultwood, published by Hachette but now out of print. That hasn't put of its fans however, and the series has now been adapted into a Milwaukee stage play. In October, the Todd Wehr Theater will be putting on Sherlock Holmes: The Baker Street Irregulars, by[...]
Things To Do In Philly This Weekend If You Like Comics… And Wrestling
Fat Jack's, a comic shop in Philly is celebrating their 38th anniversary this month with both a progressive sale on back issues and a visit by wrestling duo Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian. Now this duo has wrestled for WCW, WWE, TNA, ECW and Ring Of Honor over their 21 and 16 year careers… but recently[...]
Maxx's Super Awesome Comic Review Show – From The Flash To Eltingville Club And Original Sin
Maxx's Super Awesome Comic Review Show returns to Bleeding Cool, recorded at the one and only Astro-Zombies Comic Shop in Albuquerque, New Mexico, hosted by Maxx MacLennan. They say: This week is exciting! The art of Elektra had us drooling! The awkward familiarity of Eltingville Club had us in stitches! And getting to know The Watcher made us remember that we have[...]
Writer's Commentary – Dan Abnett On Battlestar Galactica #12
With new comics out this week, Dan Abnett sits down and gives us a behind the scenes commentary on the last issue of his Battlestar Galactica run with issue #12… or is it his last? Battlestar Galactica #12  Issue twelve marks the end of my run (well, not really… just wait to see what Dynamite is about[...]
James Kochalka's Glorkian Warrior Delivers Fun
What better to pair the video game with than a graphic novel starring none other than the Glorkian Warrior himself? After following a rich career in indie comics, The Glorkian Warrior is Kochalka's first book with a traditional publisher (First: Second Books) Kochalka's traditional cartoony style and silly dialogue is prominent, making this graphic novel perfect[...]
Rocket Raccoon #1 By Mister Skottie Young To Sell 300,000 (UPDATE)
In comics and film (and most of all in toys) You won't be able to move without bumping into Rocket Raccoon soon. And in comic stores, that might be quite literally I understand that orders for Rocket Raccoon #1, the new comic from Mister Skottie Young that received such a strong showing for Free Comic Book[...]
40 Thoughts About 40 Comics – Lobster Johnson, The Woods, Justice League 3000, Action Comics, Batman/Green Hornet, Caliban, Amazing X-Men x2, Loki, Avengers World, Garfield, Iron Man, Green Lantern, Miles Morales, Great Pacific, Black Bat, Swamp Thing, Maxx, GI Joe, Superior Foes, Moon Knight, Original Sin, Suicide Risk, Revelations, Nailbiter, Adventure Time, Big Trouble In Little China, Angel & Faith, Ghost, Victories, Quantum & Woody, Action Cat, The Darkness, Rise Of The Magi, Witchblade, Judge Dredd, TMNT, Five Weapons And The Superannuated Man
But sadly, as Action Comics #31 reveals, no it's not enough Nowhere near enough As the world gets a dusting of a certain green cloud – no, not the one from Marvel's Inhumanity, but a permeation of the atmosphere of kryptonite, it affects Superman in an unexpected way But he's not the only Kryptonian exposed,[...]
SPOILER Swipe File: Earth 2 And Watchmen And Why Superman Fans Might Like To Pick A Copy Today
And who he actually is. From the House of El… the symbol that stands for… what is it again? That's right. Earth 2 is published today by DC Comics and courtesy of Orbital Comics, London Currently exhibiting the Elephantmen work of Shaky Kane, with prints for sale. From Watchmen… And from the film [youtube][/youtube] And from today's Earth 2…   And furtehr reading, including a[...]
A Comic Show – Fury's Original Sin Bombshells!
Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida, writes: Hey Fandom, I'm back with a stack of New Comics Now! First I talk about the end of our Free Comic Book May and I mention our bar expansion Indiegogo, then it's all Marvel, DC, and Image comics! Original Sin #3 was pretty intense, the last few[...]
Hartford Comic Con's First Outing Hits Home For Local Fans
By Shawn Perry The city of Hartford, CT played host to its first-ever comic con this past weekend and the event was greeted with festive energy and passion from local fans of all ages…as some seriously awesome cosplayers. Fans of all ages came out in droves this past weekend for the first-ever Hartford Comic Con.  The two-day[...]
What's Up Doc? – Steve Skroce Talks Doc Frankenstein
Skroce started in comics with Clive Barker's Ecto-Kid and has worked for Marvel Comics while story-boarding for the film industry Now he is coming back to comics and Doc Frankenstein is being collected for his first trade. Bleeding Cool: We're here to talk about the upcoming release of the Doc Frankenstein trade, so let's start with[...]