Comicstorian Archives

Comicstorian Ben Potter, Comics Podcaster, Dies, Aged 40 RIP
Ben Potter of the popular and influential Comicstorian YouTube channel studying the form and publication of comic books, died three days ago, in an accident, at the age of 40 His last video was posted on the same day to his audience of love three million subscribers Recently he had begun writing comics, with his[...]
That Was The Bad Idea Comics SDCC Pin-Exclusive Party That Was
We caught art from Lewis LaRosa, Ramon Villalobos, Alberto Ponticelli, David Lapham and more. Also spotted at the party, Matt Kindt of course, but  Josh Dysart, Kevin McGuire, John Layman, Xander Canon, Gonzo, Kyle Higgins, Chip Mosher, Christina Merkler of DCBS and Lunar and the President of the CBLDF, Jenn Haines, President of ComicsPRO, Benny Potter of Comicstorian,[...]