In case you're a fan of the Teen Titans, Daybreak Games has brought the team and their most famous story "The Judas Contract" to DC Universe Online If you're not familiar with the storyline, we won't spoil the fun for you to find out what happens, but the storyline is only available for players over[...]
Daybreak Games Archives
The folks over at Daybreak Games would like to celebrate an H1Z1 milestone on the PS4 they achieved faster than some thought they might The company announced earlier today that they have reached 10 million players on the console version of the game, reaching that goal far sooner than expected It does make sense, if[...]
Earcredit//Daybreak Games
The game's new map, Outbreak, is a post-apocalyptic, 8×8 square kilometer world that was designed to enhance H1Z1's frantic, fast-paced battle royale gameplay Outbreak includes signature landmarks from Z1, the initial map from the game's original Early Access release Outbreak features new terrain, points of interest, and art and textures, along with improvements to[...]
But Daybreak Games isn't planning on just going off into the sunset, as the company is working toward releasing the game on the PlayStation 4 To get some hype going for the game before it's released for the console on May 22nd, the PlayStation YouTube channel has released a nearly 25-minute trailer for the game,[...]
According to Ars Technica's report:
A source inside Daybreak Games (who asked not to be named directly) responded to Ars' request for comment to clarify once again that Daybreak was actually purchased in 2015 by Jason Epstein through his wholly-owned LLC, Inception Acquisitions Epstein was an ownership partner of Columbus Nova at the time, leading his[...]
While a lot of the focus in the battle royale genre has been on another title, a lot of eyes have been on H1Z1 to see how Daybreak Games would respond to all the new stuff that's now in a marketplace that they had previously cornered for a while I got a chance to visit[...]
You can only run so fast when you're running by yourself. For real, ever since BattleGrounds came out, we've been getting a bevy of updates to H1Z1, as if