Artist Ricky Martinez goes by the name of SPARATIK on Deviant Art and said that he had either a new high or a new low the other day He received this message in response to a painting he put up on the website Here is the message and the art.
In his post on Facebook, Martinez[...]
deviant art Archives
If you check out his deviant art page he is constantly posting humorous pieces about comic characters and has an on-going book or two of his own.
He also has the book Ravine he did with Ron Marz and he's offering up the first issue free to read You just have to go to this link[...]
So there's a comic book. It's freely available on the web. Sunstone, by husband-and-wife team Top Cow artist Stjepan Šejić and writer Linda Luksic Sejic
On the left is the Eaglemoss lead figure of Siryn, part of their Classic Marvel Figurine Collection partwork line. On the right is a DeviantArt sketch by