emma frost Archives

Emma Frost Weighs In On Nazi Punching Debate In New Tie-In, Secret Empire: United
Revealed on Marvel media partner website IGN, Emma Frost will lead a team of X-Men against Hydra in Secret Empire: United From Jim Zub and Ario Anindito (with a cover by Ryan Stegman), the book provides readers the first glimpse at Frosts' post-IvX status quo, in which she will, apparently, be leading her own team of X-Men, attempting to start[...]
[SPOILERS] And The Winner Is…No One – IvX#6 Review
Throughout the series this has been the case, but even more so in this issue, particularly when he saves Emma, considering at the start of the issue he blamed her for what has become of the memory of his brother. Art by Leinil Francis Yu, Gerry Alanguilan and David Curiel Everything done with Emma Frost just reads[...]
Generation X Reunions In ResurrXion
And Penance and Mondo…well, we could be here for ages discussing all that went on with them. Art by Terry and Rachel Dodson And then there's Emma Frost, where the editors had this interesting exchange: Ketchum: Has everyone read the end of "Inhumans vs X-Men"? Without giving anything away, that series leaves Emma in a very different place[...]
Something Happens! Review: Inhumans vs. X-Men #1
It's nice to see the X-Men finally get more proactive and less into running and hiding about this whole Terrigen business, and a tense fight scene between Emma Frost, Black Bolt and a mystery third character I won't spoil here (though it's pretty heavily telegraphed in the first few pages) is genuinely exciting and suitably[...]
Out Of The Death Of X And Into IvX (Spoilers – And Potential Spoilers)
Emma Frost manipulated everyone to think he was leading the plan to destroy one of the two Terrigen Mist clouds, and she seems to have succeeded, for the most part (more on that later). Art by Aaron Kuder and Morry Hollowell Going into IvX, it's more clear than ever what the major conflict will revolve around: Emma[...]
Bleeding Cosplay – From Game of Thrones To Emma Frost
Arias (http://x-rho-x.deviantart.com/) Photographer: Ernesto Javier Flores (https://www.facebook.com/ernestojavierphotography) Magneto (X-Men First Class) : Annaka Cosplay  (www.facebook.com/annakacosplay) Photographer: Templar Digital photography Joffrey Baratheon (Game of Thrones) : Shadowsdoor https://www.facebook.com/thataangface Photographer: snaphappyian.zenfolio.com Goku (Dragon Ball Z) : Living Son Goku (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Living-Son-Goku/1452458794981489?ref=hl) Kuranosuke (Jellyfish Princess) : Koaru-Chii (http://koaru-chii.deviantart.com/) Photographer: Arctic-Sonata (http://arctic-sonata.deviantart.com/) Imitatia (Fairy Tail) : Crona94 (http://crona94.deviantart.com/) Photographer : Artano Photography (https://www.facebook.com/ArtanoPhotography) Capitan Amelia (Treasure Planet) :[...]
Bleeding Cosplay – From Hulkling & Wiccan To Dragon Ball
Like these folks did. To see more of Ian's cosplay coverage be sure to follow him on Tumblr for all the latest in cosplay tutorials, pictures and convention updates. Emma Frost (Uncanny X-Men) : Meredith Placko (https://www.facebook.com/anaaesthetic) Photographer : Savannah Alexandra (http://www.savannahalexandra.com) Hulkling & Wiccan (Young Avengers) : Ryan (http://pixelmagus.deviantart.com) & Detailed-Illusion (http://detailed-illusion.deviantart.com) Photographer :  Adel (http://foreveradel.deviantart.com) Butterfree (Pokemon)[...]
The New Gay X-Man In Today's Uncanny X-Men #14 (SPOILERS) UPDATE
Get ready to stack this next to X-Factor #87 and Uncanny X-Men #244 in your collection. And indeed, thank you Cyclops, there may be complaints that Benjamin Deeds has a rather passive power set, rather than knocking seven shades of shit out of people, but as Emma Frost puts it… Which is almost giving Deeds a[...]
Grace Randolph's Between The Pages With Amy Reeder
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaiRrYIYJZY[/youtube] Top Ten Female Superheroes! Host Grace Randolph welcomes comic book artist Amy Reeder, who has worked on Madame Xanadu and Batwoman, to help her come up with the Top Ten Female Superheroes in comics! Find out where Batwoman, Rogue, Storm, Emma Frost, and Catwoman stand on the list – plus a few surprises! Which female[...]
Top Ten Couples In Comics – Grace Randolph's Stacktastic!
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MJA3ord6_s[/youtube] Supurbia #2, host Grace Randolph's original comic book from BOOM Studios, is hitting shelves this week! To get you in the mood, and because you demanded it, she gives you her Top Ten List of Comic Book Couples! Find out where Joker and Harley Quinn, Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, Cyclops and Emma Frost, Batman[...]
The X-Men Get Bedazzled
 At WonderCon today, Marvel revealed that she would be one of the key characters of the title, along with alternate reality versions of Wolverine, Emma Frost, and Nightcrawler. The new ongoing series is written by Greg Pak and drawn by Stephen Segovia, with an issue #1 cover by Julian Totino. Pak wrote the Astonishing X-Men #44-47 storyline[...]
No Cyclops In Uncanny X-Men #1…
We've been repeatedly told that X-Men Schism will look at a split between the two and two resulting X-Men central books. From the X-Men panel at San Diego Comic Con, after showing you the Wolverine And The X-Men cover Bleeding Cool shared with you this morning, Marvel shared an image of the new Uncanny X-Men #1[...]
When Is A Nipple Not A Nipple?
Did Emma Frost suffer a wardrobe malfunction in a recent issue of Wolverine: The Best There Is? That's what the members of the Collectors Society website have been discussing, and been getting rather hot under the collar about. In Wolverine: The Best There Is #7, Emma Frost is clearly shown naked with a top end lady[...]