During a panel at PAX East this weekend, Hiroaki Kato walked fans through the various improvements made to Final Fantasy XII in the upcoming remastered version of the game being released as Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age while game director Takashi Katano controlled the action.
The improvements made to the game are far from just cosmetic, although the updated graphics[...]
Final Fantasy Archives
During PAX East this weekend, Square Enix is letting fans get hands on off with the upcoming DLC for Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus We get our first look at Giglamesh in the game as well. Details on Episode Gladio are still a bit sketchy somehow, with reports coming in saying that it's a 1-2 hour DLC and[...]
The updated re-release of Final Fantasy XII is getting a collector's edition The details were announced today at the Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age panel.
The Collector's Edition is now available for pre-order exclusively from the Square Enix Online Store for $199.99 Those who order will receive the game, along with the below:
Exclusive "Judge Magisters" Mini Bust Set
credit//Square Enix
The latest in Final Fantasy XV news is great for PC players At GDC Square showed off a tech test for the game using Nvidia's latest GTX 1080 Ti.
The tech demo shows off many of the environments from the game with different elements added to show off the lighting changes with the latest tech[...]
A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV was originally a pre-order bonus exclusive for those who pre-ordered Final Fantasy XV from Gamestop Well, it will now be available for free on the Xbox and PlayStation stores on March 1st It's a cute little pixel art side-scroller intended to be a bonus side-story to the main game.
The main conceit[...]
It's just a love letter to bromances everywhere.
Heidi Kemps of Glixel recently attempted to defend the all-male casting of Final Fantasy XV as being "tailored for women" because of the Japanese subculture of Fujoshi, a depreciting term used for female fans of anime, manga, and games who just want to sit around and think about how[...]
Game director Tetsuya Nomura shared screenshots of his two most anticipated projects at Monico Anime Game International Conferences: Square Enix's Kingdom Hearts 3, and the remake of Final Fantasy VII.
The Kingdom Hearts 3 screenshot shows protagonist Sora taking down some fearsome looking Heartless in Olympus The game's art direction hasn't changed much since the original, deapite the[...]
Final Fantasy XV's Noctis is geting a Cup Noodle hat in Japan, whether or not the item will be released in the western versions of the game is yet to be seen However, I find its existence particularly telling about us all as a gaming community.
Not only is this a hilariously obvious marketing ploy, but it's[...]
Credit: Square Enix
Game director Hajime Tabata confirmed that there are "no plans" for Final Fantasy XV to be ported to the Nintendo Switch.
"There are no plans, it wouldn't run…" Tabata told DualShockers when asked if there's a possibility that Final Fantasy XV would release for Nintendo Switch When pressed further, Tabata conceded that it "might run"[...]
Square Enix has announced a delay in Final Fantasy XV's recently revealed Power Rangers-style Magitek Exosuit costumes.
The new free costumes were originally slated for a February 21st release After getting feedback that the suits look too much like Power Rangers costumes, Square Enix has taken them back to the drawing board for a re-design[...]
Credit: Square Enix
Many fans had complaints about the final chapter of Final Fantasy XV and it looks like their wishes may have been granted Alongside a Gladio-focused DLC, Square Enix will be updating Chapter 13 due to fan pressure.
The final chapters of XV always felt a bit off as they narrowed the game down from open world to[...]
For the first time, Final Fantasy will be the basis for a live action TV show I know, strange that they haven't done that but then, why get real actors when you can just make a fully CG movie like Advent Children or Kingsglaive? The new show will be based off one Japanese fan's blog[...]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcoubpSwlEkVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Ariana Grande – Touch It – FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS Remix || Music Video Announcement (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcoubpSwlEk)
Last year at E3 it was announced that Ariana Grande would be a playable character in a Final Fantasy mobile title[...]
Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy 7 Remakee have almost become as elusive and mythical as they were before their announcements Both only have small snippets of information floating around out there.
Well, thankfully that will likely change this year Speaking toFamitsu (translated by Gematsu), Square Enix director Tetsuya Nomura explained that the games will show up[...]
It happens all the time in all kinds of mediums and is often a bit of a distraction.
This Cup Noodle Final Fantasy XV ad is something else though I might even wager it transcened the medium The advert is airing in Japan, and it is clear that the designers of the game have had a[...]
By most accounts, Final Fantasy XV was an incredibly important installment for the franchise There has been some word that the series might be in trouble if the game doesn't sell, making some fans curious.
Right now, it doesn't look like there is too much to be worried about on that front though Square Enix have[...]
Final Fantasy XV has launched The game started production nearly a decade ago, and finally the big day is here I know more than a handful of you will be jumping in very soon.
To celebrate, this new live action trailer has been released, and it's a bit of a weird one For some reason it follows[...]
Final Fantasy XV is finally, finally about to grace the gaming world after a massive production I know a ton of people are really excited for the game's launch this week, and for if that is you here is a bit of news that should make your life easier.
DualShockers are saying that the game will[...]
Disclaimer: This article is part of a promotion in conjunction with Final Fantasy XV.
I would however note, this is a sentiment I've held for sometime if you've been following my coverage of the game.
Final Fantasy has never really been 'my thing' This isn't so much to do with any perceived quality of the games, but[...]
Final Fantasy XV is finally just around the corner now, with the long in production game ready to get into the hands of some very eager players.
We are seeing a big push for the game now, and the official Twitter for the game has shown off this busy, yet very pretty poster for the game[...]
Final Fantasy XV is finally going to be getting into player's hands in 15 days Despite not being hugely acquainted with the series, what I've seen from the upcoming game looks great It's set to bringing us on a road trip, splashed with royalty and massive monsters, which sounds pretty alright to me.
To celebrate the[...]
Final Fantasy XV is on its way now, with the game set to hit this December It would have been out this mounth if not for a recent delay, but hey, it's the games industry Delays are just how it goes now.
To make up for it, you can check out the first 40 minutes of[...]
In just two days, the London Philharmonic Orchestra will be playing music from Final Fantasy XV soundtrack live from legendary Abbey Road Music that is previously unheard will also be played.
you'll be able to tun in on September 7th at 11am PT/2pm ET/7pm GMT at the Final Fantasy YouTube channel[...]
Final Fantasy XV has been ramping up the footage it's showing off for months now, and it doesn't seem to be slowing With the game now moved back all the way to November, it means we are probably in store for seeing a lot more before it even gets to us.
I come baring even more[...]
As a guy who doesn't have much of a history with Final Fantasy, the thing that is catching my attention about XV is the road trip aspect Especially when you consider the world you will be travelling though is full of massive hulking monsters and fantasy.
You can get a better look at those environments in[...]
Final Fantasy XV is finally making its way to our hands after over a decade in production Understandably, there is a whole lot of excitment around it to.
Around a week ago we got over an hour of gameplay footage, and to get you excited again, here is an extra 30 It's not wildly different to[...]
Final Fantasy XV, despite having just been delayed to the end of November, feels close People are out playing, Kingsglaive is being seen, and more and more promo material is being released daily.
Today, this video new video was put out to introduce you to the English voice cast of the game While there are no[...]
Final Fantasy XV embargos have been lifting today as Gamescom's news dump day hit (Hey, we have one!) One of the things that can be frustrating about previews is that you, dear reader, only have to imagine the action, usually.
Well, at least partially, not this time Square Enix have now released this video showing off[...]
Sayem Ahmed writes for Bleeding Cool after spending four hours with a recent build of Final Fantasy XV…
To say that Final Fantasy XV has had a troubled development is an understatement Now over 10 years into development, we've had a release date and… it's slipped again But not without good reason After 4 hours of[...]
Final Fantasy 15 is promising to be a massive game, with Square Enix admittedly look at the new instalment as 'make or break.'This game has to be a hit for the franchise, and you'd hope so after such a ludicrously massive production.
The game is currently due out next month too, but a new rumour going[...]