five years Archives

How Strangers in Paradise and Terry Moore Stand the Test of Time
Credit: Abstract Studio. Care, craft, and charisma Terry Moore recently brought Strangers in Paradise back for an anniversary sequel series, Strangers in Paradise XXV, that led into Five Years, which crossed the title over with his other work, including Rachel Rising The artwork is gorgeous, and Moore manages to pull the impossible trick of getting much better with every passing year[...]
Terry Moore Announces A New Graphic Novel Series Ever For Fall 2020
On the heels of both Strangers in Paradise XXV and Five Years, which crossed over his original magnum opus with characters from his cult hit horror comic Rachel Rising, Terry Moore is cooking up something entirely new with this dark fantasy series. Moore said: "When I finished Five Years, the question was […] what do you do next? […] Long[...]
Terry Moore's Strangers in Paradise and Rachel Rising Crossover
In a comics community defined by superhero events and crossovers, then why is no one talking about the most interesting crossover in recent comics history? Terry Moore brings not only Strangers in Paradise and Rachel Rising together in his latest series but all of his titles in the "Terryverse." The series, Five Years, is to be collected in[...]