Last year, there were over seventy Free Comic Book Day titles available for stores to order and distribute Some seemed to feel that was too many, with less focus and too much of a burden on retailers who felt forced to carry the entire range
This year, that is being slashed back to fifty titles.
Publishers expecting[...]
free comic book day Archives
Randy Myers of Collectors Corner returns to Bleeding Cool with a look at his documentary for Free Comic Book Day 2014.
Free Comic Book Day at Collectors Corner this year was even smoother and more exciting than last year, with our first fan David lining up at 4pm on Thursday afternoon.By 1pm over fifty plus people were[...]
The FCBD 2014 Mouse Guard 56 page hardcover from Archaia was allocated, as you may have noticed. eBay certainly has, its a twelve dollar book. But now,
Tucked in the back of the Mouse Guard Free Comic Book Day volume from Archaia, and without a mention on the cover, was a new Farscape comic written and drawn by Ramon K Perez, who also adapted Jim Henson's Tale Of Sand for Archaia.
Currently selling on eBay for $10, could this give it a fillip?
It is clearly a terrible thing that comics intended to be given away free are being snapped up and flipped on eBay by speculators in order to turn a quick
So, someone gave Scott Snyder working, sharpened Batarangs, for Free Comic Book Day at Alter Ego Comics in Muncie, Indiana. Was this a good idea?
And he was joined by a few friends, Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, James Tynion and more Let's see how the batarang trials went down…
Then it was time for Scott Snyder to step[...]
Acme Comics in Greensboro NC always makes for a big Free Comic Book Day This year not only did they hae a very decent and colourful line before the store opened…
…but they also got a little media coverage into the bargain before the doors opened, with plenty of people who'd been sleeping through the night,[...]
It's Free Comic Book Day today (you might have noticed) but for those who can't get to the store, there's plenty of free around We mentioned a few yesterday… and the Only Living Boy earlier But there are more out there.
But today Image Comics have 196 free first issues of their series on ComiXology.
There are 22[...]
The first time we went to Orbital Comics, the line was round the block... So, with the girls and their
David Gallaher and Steve Ellis say:
Free Comic Book Day is today! Last year, we celebrated by giving away digital copies of The Only Living Boy With your support and momentum, you helped make Only Living Boy #1 one of the most downloaded books of the year! This year — we're turning it up a notch!
These were the first people lining up at Acme Comics in Greensboro, North Carolina two days ago for Free Comic Book Day today…
…and Jesse James Comics in Arizona opened a few hours ago at midnight This is what happened…
I'm off in to the London shops with my girls and two of their friends[...]
Another Free Comic Book Day preview of the Red Giant Entertainment four pack of free comics from today's selection in your local comic store… this time Dual Idcentity from Giant-Size Fantasy #0, one of the four books bound together with a card board… it really is a unique looking book.
Red Giant Entertainment's DUEL IDENTITY, appearing in GIANT-SIZE FANTASY, is[...]
Hannah Means-Shannon, Editor-in-Chief of Bleeding Cool, just ran a look at Free Comic Book Day events in New York, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and New Jersey.
But lots of places are doing events Here's a look at a few more of them.
TFAW of Portland, Milwaukie and Beaverbrook has its plans all lined up, opening early, with Greg Rucka,[...]
I've had the chance to read a good batch of this year's Free Comic Book Day 2014 titles Here are thoughts about thirty-one of them More to come…
Grimm's Fairy Tales #0 published by Zenescope.
Once upon a time there was a monster of a soldier But then they went away Now they are being revived[...]
Three previews of comics coming up for Free Comic Book Day on Saturday May the third For kids with a little more sophistication…
The Tick
(W) Jeff McClelland (A) Pietro, Duane Redhead (CA) Duane Redhead
This FCBD, NEC Press offers fans—both old and new!—a FULL-COLOR 32-page comic book with an ALL-NEW FULL-LENGTH Tick story! Plus exciting[...]
Another couple of previews of comics coming up for Free Comic Book Day on Saturday May the third That have a little parody transformation about them…
Zombie Tramp And Ehmm Theory
Publisher: DANGER ZONE
(W) Dan Mendoza, Brockton McKinney (A) Dan Mendoza, Larkin Ford (CA) Dan Mendoza
Are you bold enough to take a ride with Janey, the Zombie Tramp?!?[...]
Another couple of previews of comics coming up for Free Comic Book Day on Saturday May the third And more for the kiddies…
Scratch 9
(W) Rob M Worley (A) Jason T Kruse (CA) Armand Villavert
Scratch9, the worlds greatest superhero cat returns for free comic book day with a special reprint issue #1 of the title[...]
Three more previews of comics coming up for Free Comic Book Day on Saturday May the third… smaller, indie, action!
Scam Crosswords #0
(W) Jason Ciaramella (A/CA) Joe Mulvey
Spinning out of the pages of the super-powered con-man series, SCAM, Eisner-nominated writer Jason Ciaramella (The Cape) and "the most dangerous man in comics" Joe Mulvey bring you an explosive[...]
Another few previews of comics coming up for Free Comic Book Day on Saturday May the third Will you be racing to your store to pick these ones up?
Finding Gossamyr: The Way Of The Bladeslinger
(W) Paul Allor, David Rodriguez (A) Thomas Boatwright, Sarah Ellerton (CA) Sarah Ellerton, Thomas Boatwright
Return to the fantastic world[...]
Another few previews of comics coming up for Free Comic Book Day on Saturday May the third… Getting an idea of what you want to pick up yet?
Dumbest Idea Ever
Graphix (publishers of Bone, Smile, and the Amulet series) makes its FCBD debut with this stand-alone excerpt from The Dumbest Idea Ever! Renowned comics[...]
Another few previews of comics coming up for Free Comic Book Day on Saturday May the third, this time with a mature readers edge Apparently comics aren't just for kids any more.
Hip Hop Family Tree Two-In-One
Hip Hop Family Tree Two-In-One by Ed Piskor is the perfect introduction and bridge to Piskor's[...]
France does Free Comic Book Day differently Firstly, they do it two weeks later, because they are lazy.
Then they take two whole days to do it in.
And they only give away eight free comics.
See, it's that lack of commitment that ensures France only has a massive comics industry.
More here, when they get round to adding[...]
Another few previews of comics coming up for Free Comic Book Day on Saturday May the third And here are some classic kids comics – even if some of them have never been published in the US before.
Don Rosa's Uncle Scrooge And Donald Duck
(W/A/CA) Don Rosa
In "A Matter of Some Gravity" by fan-favorite Don[...]
Here's another preview from the four-bundle of free comics for Free Comic Book Day from Red Giant Entertainment This time Magika #0 from Giant-Size Adventure #0…
Spinning off from the upcoming fully-animated feature film JOURNEY TO MAGIKA, GIANT-SIZE ADVENTURE's MAGIKA
is an all-ages adventure series written by NY Times-bestselling author David Lawrence (MERCY THOMPSON) and Kevin Juaire[...]
Bleeding Cool Magazine, Previews and Overstreet all have Free Comic Book Day versions out for the first Saturday in May, May the third And here is what you might be able to expect…
Bleeding Cool Magazine
Bleeding Cool Magazine celebrates Free Comic Book Day and the launch of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 film with[...]
Another couple of previews of comics coming up for Free Comic Book Day on Saturday May the fourth Two original comics for the kid and the kid at heart…
Top Shelf Kids Club
(W/A) Eric Orchard, Rob Harrell (CA) Eric Orchard
Here at Top Shelf, we're celebrating FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2014 with friends old and new —[...]
Another couple of previews of comics coming up for Free Comic Book Day on Saturday May the fourth Two comics with their origins in Japan… but taking very different tacks.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Publisher: Papercutz
In 1993, The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers burst on the scene in an explosion of colorful combat, bizarre monsters, incredible robot battles,[...]
Another couple of previews of comics coming up for Free Comic Book Day on Saturday May the fourth And this time its from that stalwart of defenders of free speech, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund with two, count them, two comics for FCBD 2014…
Defend Comics
(W) Mark Evanier & Various (A) Sergio Aragones & Various[...]
Another couple of previews of comics coming up for Free Comic Book Day on Saturday May the fourth Both from Udon Entertainment, but miles apart in terms of culture and art – Street Fighter and Les Miserables.
Les Miserables: Fall Of Fantine
(W) Victor Hugo (A/CA) Sunmei Lee
18th Century France-REVOLUTION! The Monarchy has been overthrown, society has[...]
That's what Red Giant Entertainment are giving away on Free Comic Book Day, on Saturday, May the fourth – four full size comics bundles into one package.
Here's a five page preview of Darchon #0, from one of the comics, Giant-Size Thrills #0.
DARCHON is a horror series written by Pulitzer Prize-nominated horror novelist Mort Castle, illustrated[...]