Indie game developer and publisher Villainous Games Studio confirmed this week that Horror Stories: Harvest Hunt is coming to Steam's Early Access Players will be able to try out a limited version of the game soon as you play the Warden over Luna Nova, trying to protect a village from the cursed shadows all around[...]
Horror Stories: Harvest Hunt Archives
Indie game developer and publisher Villainous Games Studio confirmed this week they will bring their latest game, Horror Stories: Harvest Hunt, to Steam Next Fest The game will center around a village called Luna Nova, which has undergone a curse from a looming shadow known as the Devourer It will be up to you to[...]
Indie game developer and publisher Villainous Games Studio have announced they will debut their new game Horror Stories: Harvest Hunt at Steam Next Fest The game has been described as Dead By Daylight meets Inscyption, as players will attempt to repel the evil hunting them down or be consumed by it, as you play a Warden[...]