I Walk With Monsters is about a young girl grappling with a traumatic past by traveling around the country with a man with monstrous abilities Together, they seek out predators while on another, more pointed mission as well Written by Paul Cornell, drawn by Sally Cantirino, colored by Dearbhla Kelly, and lettered by AndWorld Design, this is another interesting[...]
i walk with monsters Archives
I Walk With Monsters is a dark, heartfelt horror comic book series coming from Hugo-nominated Doctor Who writer Paul Cornell, artist Sally Cantirino and colourist Dearbhla Kelly.
Paul Cornell Brings "I Walk With Monsters" to Vault Comics, November
In Jacey's past is the Important Man who took away her brother Now Jacey has David, who sometimes transforms[...]
Dark Interlude by Ryan O'Sullivan and Andrea Mutti – the sequel to Fearless – is launching from Vault Comics, alongside I Walk With Monsters by Paul Cornell and Sally Cantirino alongside Vault's November 2020 solicitations.
(W) Ryan O'Sullivan (A) Andrea Mutti (CA) Ariela Kristantina
After the stunning success of Fearscape,[...]