image expo Archives

Kyle Higgins Announces C.O.W.L. At Image Expo – Updated
Won't be the last… Kevin Schmidt writes from Image Expo: Kyle Higgins is launching his first book with Image: C.O.W.L — detailing the struggles of Chicago's super powered labor union They are contracted to the city of Chicago, and the first issue features the end of the age of great villains and the transition into a world[...]
James Robinson Announces Airboy With Greg Hinkle At Image Expo – Updated
Kevin Schmidt writes from Image Expo: James Robinson discussed the previously announced The Saviors which has been extended from a limited series to an ongoing However in addition he announced Airboy with artist Greg Hinkle It's a semi-autobiographical tale of exploring the underside of San Francisco trying to figure out ideas for Airboy and then breaking[...]
From Joshua Williamson, At Image Expo, Comes Nailbiter – Updated
From David Dissanayake at Image Expo… Joshua Williamson came out and discussed his new book that addresses the question of "What if you found out someone you loved was a serial killer" — Nailbiter it tells the sorry of a boy from a small town in Oregon that has produced more serial killers than anywhere in[...]
Joe Keatinge And Leila Del Duca Announce Shutter – Updated
Kevin Schmidt writes from Image Expo, Kirkman turned the Image Expo stage over to Joe Keatinge who announced his new series Shutter with art by Leila Del Duca. It's the story of Kate Christopher, an explorer and journalist living in a world with "astronauts on the subway", robots and demons Launches in April.   Updated from press release: Marvel Knights:[...]
Ahead Of Image Comics Expo – The Image Revolution
Today, the Image Expo is being held on the West Coast Which means under the cover of darkness comic creators more commonly associated with DC and Marvel and being hurried on and off planes, ready to announce their new creator-owned comic book, from Image Comics. Hint, look who has stopped tweeting for the last few hours. But[...]
Looks Like Fred Van Lente Is One Of Many With Comics Being Announced Tomorrow At Image Expo
Could we see news of Nonplayer #2 from Nate Simpson? But would either of these justify Rob Liefeld's comment? Image Expo will shake the foundations of the comics universe tomorrow I think. — robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) January 8, 2014 Could that be distribution? Something new, digitally? And Skybound are up to something Doesn't this feel like something more than an Invincible[...]
Image Expo 2014 Speculation: Five Wild Guesses About 'Secret Special Guests'
By David Dissanayake Image Expo is coming up in just a few days, and boy does it seem like Image Comics might just outdo itself with this one.  Matt Fraction, Kelly Sue Deconnick, Rick Remender, Nick Spencer, Brandon Graham, Robert Kirkman, James Robinson, Nick Dragotta, and more will all be special guests this Thursday at the[...]
Robert Kirkman Paid For My Wedding
Six months later after crossing Asia, Indonesia, Australasia and French Polynesia in a fitting end to the saga, and in continuance of the many weird coincidences that has seen The Walking Dead enter my life this last year or so, I found myself in San Francisco, sitting at a table at the Image expo after[...]
The Image Expo Gets Jesse Jamesed
Jesse James Criscione writes for Bleeding Cool It was The Few, The Proud, The Image Fan this past Tuesday in San Fransisco for the Image Expo This wasn't a very large convention and some would argue it wasn't supposed to be one However, If you put Ron Richards (Director of Business development) into the mix with[...]
Walking Dead To Go Bi-Weekly Over Seven Months For All Out War (UPDATE)
Robert Kirkman has announced at the Image Expo that The Walking Dead will go bi-weekly for seven months, beginning in October's #115, in a twelve-issue arc entitled All Out War Stefano Gaudiano will help artist Charlie Adlard out by inking the comics in question.   Robert Kirkman has announced at the Image Expo that The Walking[...]
Transport Strikes Hit Today's Image Comics Expo
If anyone is travelling from Stockton to the Image Expo in San Francisco today, please get in touch, I have a reporter planning to hit the show, who is now stranded… The San Franciscan Bay Area Rapid Transit public transport system is currently suffering crippling strikes, which has also had the side effect of filling the[...]
Ed Brubaker, JMS And So, So Many More To Launch New Titles At Image Expo
The Image Expo takes place on July 2nd and they have released their schedule of events, At 2.15pm, Ed Brubaker talks about moving to creator owned comics "Join him as he talks about that decision and what's next for him at Image". So that's a new book from Brubaker to accompany Fatale. At 5pm, JMS will be talking[...]
Friday Trending Topics: Bendis By Day, Image By Night
 Start off with an emerging new print comics distribution model (and let me make mention of retail group New England Comic Retailer Alliance's role in the developing ComixTribe story, which I too find fascinating), add a big batch of Bendis X-Men in the middle, and close out the day with a barrage of Image Expo[...]
Grant Morrison, Darick Robertson, Mark Millar, Frank Quitely, Steve Niles, Howard Chaykin,Tony Harris, Scott Morse, Brian Wood, Ming Doyle, Nick Spencer, Riley Rossmo Announcements At Image Expo
A big slate of upcoming 2012 books are being announced at Image Expo tonite, including the already mentioned Phonogram: The Immaterial Girl Here's a very quick roundup: Happy by Grant Morrison and Darick Robertson  iFanboy has more on this one, with Morrison saying this may be the first of several Image books:  "Beyond that, there are[...]