interview Archives

Allegoria Director Spider One on His Theatrical Debut & Influences
I remember watching an interview with Quentin Tarantino, and he said something that always stuck with me, "You might not be the most knowledgeable person on the set You might not have the most experience of everybody on a set, but what you can do is you can know your material better than anybody else."[...]
The Orville: New Horizons Star Anne Winters Talks Charly’s Sacrifice
You can check out our previous interview here. When it came to making the best of the time on one of the best sci-fi shows on television, Anne Winters' Ensign Charly Burke made sure to leave a crater-sized hole in all of our hearts, given the events of The Orville: New Horizons' penultimate season three[...]
Paradise Highway: Cameron Monaghan on Research, Morgan Freeman & More
She interviewed some former special agents who specialized in human trafficking The way they spoke about it was really interesting and informative and helped me figure out this character and who he would be. Cameron Monaghan and Morgan Freeman in Paradise Highway (2022) Image courtesy of Lionsgate BC: How do you describe working with Anna since Paradise[...]
We Got To Preview Saints Row In Las Vegas, Baby!
Myself and other journalists got to chat with Brian Traficante, Creative Director at Volition, as part of a group interview Here is our interview from that group session for you to enjoy, as Saints Row will be released on August 23rrd, 2022. Credit: Deep Silver There's a lot of elements in the game that are very reminiscent[...]
Pretty Little Liars: OS Cinematographer Breaks Down YA Horror Series
It was an easy interview process I really love the showrunners right away and had a great connection with them and the entire producing team. BC: Did you have a foundation to work off with the series, or were you asked to work from scratch? Malatynska: The dailies and stills I got to see of the show[...]
Paper Girls: Chatting Prime Video Series With Cast [Interview]
From their memories from the set to the fun & nerves that were involved in making the series, the trio was able to cover some impressive ground in our interview below. Pictured (L-R): Riley Lai Nelet, Camryn Jones, and Fina Strazza Screenshot from video interview (Source: Prime Video and Glass Engine)Based on the best-selling graphic novels[...]
Will Wood, On "In Case I Make It," His Newest Album - Interview
Now, we have gotten the chance to interview Will for a third opportunity, this time regarding his newest upcoming album, In Case I Make It, a more subdued and mellow take on the stories and issues Will Wood typically tackles in his songwriting Here's what we've learned! A shot of indie and avant-pop artist Will Wood[...]
Neon Lights: Rouzbeh Heydari Breaks Down Pandemic-Inspired Thriller
You can check out our interview with Coates here. The COVID pandemic laid for strange bedfellows regarding innovation and filmmaking, as was the case for director Rouzbeh Heydari and co-writer and star Dana Abraham in Momentum Pictures' Neon Lights The story follows a tech tycoon, Clay Amani (Abraham), who retreats to an off-the-grid location in[...]