Then we had Morton, Ryan Hurst, and Thora Birch raising the bar even higher with "We Are the End of the World" (check out our review here), – offering up some Whisperers backstory.
The Walking Dead / AMC
"Ghosts" elevated the paranoia as Melissa McBride continues delivering an award-winning performance (that review's here) – while "Silence the[...]
jeffrey dean morgan Archives
While the cast and crew of AMC‘s The Walking Dead enjoy the response they've been getting to the tenth season, life in the franchise's universe has become
Then we had Morton, Ryan Hurst, and Thora Birch raising the bar even higher with "We Are the End of the World" (check out our review here), – offering up some Whisperers backstory.
"Ghosts" elevated the paranoia as Melissa McBride continues delivering an award-winning performance (that review's here) – while "Silence the Whisperers" proved once again[...]
Then we had Morton, Ryan Hurst, and Thora Birch raising the bar even higher with "We Are the End of the World" (check out our review here), – offering up some Whisperers backstory.
"Ghosts" elevated the paranoia as Melissa McBride continues delivering an award-winning performance (that review's here) – while "Silence the Whisperers" proved once again[...]
While the cast and crew of AMC‘s The Walking Dead enjoy the response they've been getting to the tenth season, life in the franchise's universe has become
Then we had Morton, Ryan Hurst, and Thora Birch raising the bar even higher with "We Are the End of the World" (check out our review here), – offering up some Whisperers backstory.
"Ghosts" elevated the paranoia as Melissa McBride continues delivering an award-winning performance (that review's here) – while "Silence the Whisperers" proved once again[...]
Then we had Morton, Ryan Hurst, and Thora Birch raising the bar even higher with "We Are the End of the World" (check out our review here), – offering up some Whisperers backstory.
"Ghosts" elevated the paranoia as Melissa McBride continues delivering an award-winning performance (that review's here) – while "Silence the Whisperers" proved once again[...]
Then we had Morton, Ryan Hurst, and Thora Birch raising the bar even higher with "We Are the End of the World" (check out our review here), – offering up some Whisperers backstory.
"Ghosts" elevated the paranoia as Melissa McBride continues delivering an award-winning performance (that review's here) – while "Silence the Whisperers" proved once again[...]
Then we had Morton, Ryan Hurst, and Thora Birch raising the bar even higher with "We Are the End of the World" (check out our review here), – offering up some Whisperers backstory.
Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon, Nadia Hilker as Magna, Lauren Ridloff as Connie, Melissa McBride as Carol, Angel Theory as Kelly – The[...]
Then we had Morton, Ryan Hurst, and Thora Birch raising the bar even higher with "We Are the End of the World" (check out our review here), – offering up some Whisperers backstory.
"Ghosts" elevated the paranoia as Melissa McBride continues delivering an award-winning performance (that review's here) – while "Silence the Whisperers" proved once again[...]
Then we had Morton, Ryan Hurst, and Thora Birch raising the bar even higher with "We Are the End of the World" (check out our review here), – offering up some Whisperers backstory.
"Ghosts" elevated the paranoia as Melissa McBride continues delivering an award-winning performance (that review's here) – while "Silence the Whisperers" proved once again[...]
Then we had Morton, Ryan Hurst, and Thora Birch raising the bar even higher with "We Are the End of the World" (check out our review here), – offering up some Whisperers backstory.
"Ghosts" elevated the paranoia as Melissa McBride continues delivering an award-winning performance (that review's here) – while "Silence the Whisperers" proved once again[...]
Then we had Morton, Ryan Hurst, and Thora Birch raising the bar even higher with "We Are the End of the World" (check out our review here), – offering up some Whisperers backstory.
"Ghosts" elevated the paranoia as Melissa McBride continues delivering an award-winning performance (that review's here) – while "Silence the Whisperers" proved once again[...]
Then we had Morton, Ryan Hurst, and Thora Birch raising the bar even higher with "We Are the End of the World" (check out our review here), – offering up some Whisperers backstory.
"Ghosts" elevated the paranoia as Melissa McBride continues delivering an award-winning performance (that review's here) – while "Silence the Whisperers" proved once again[...]
Then we had Morton, Ryan Hurst, and Thora Birch raising the bar even higher with "We Are the End of the World" (check out our review here), – offering up some Whisperers backstory.
"Ghosts" elevated the paranoia as Melissa McBride continues delivering an award-winning performance (that review's here) – while "Silence the Whisperers" proved once again[...]
Then we had Morton, Ryan Hurst, and Thora Birch raising the bar even higher with "We Are the End of the World" (check out our review here), – offering up some Whisperers backstory.
"Ghosts" elevated the paranoia as Melissa McBride continues delivering an award-winning performance (that review's here) – while "Silence the Whisperers" proved once again[...]
Then we had Morton, Ryan Hurst, and Thora Birch raising the bar even higher with "We Are the End of the World" (check out our review here), – offering up some Whisperers backstory.
"Ghosts" elevated the paranoia as Melissa McBride continues delivering an award-winning performance (that review's here) – while "Silence the Whisperers" proved once again[...]
While the cast and crew of AMC‘s The Walking Dead enjoy the response they've been getting to the tenth season, life in the franchise's universe has become
Then we had Morton, Ryan Hurst, and Thora Birch raising the bar even higher with "We Are the End of the World" (check out our review here), – offering up some Whisperers backstory.
"Ghosts" elevated the paranoia as Melissa McBride continues delivering an award-winning performance (that review's here) – and recent episode "Silence the Whisperers" proved[...]
With a strong ensemble cast (and a "Big Bad" fronted by Samantha Morton in an award-earning turn as Whisperers leader Alpha) and richly layered writing, showrunner/executive producer Angela Kang did the near-impossible: made the show feel fresh and dangerous again.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan, Blaine Kern III as Brandon – The Walking Dead _ Season[...]
"Ghosts" elevated the paranoia as Melissa McBride continues delivering an award-winning performance (that review's here) – and recent episode "Silence the Whisperers" proved once again why it's "In Michael Cudlitz, We Trust" (review here).
Which brings us to the following opening minutes of next episode "What It Always Is", which finds Kelly (Angel Theory) suffering from[...]
AMC Networks CEO Josh Sapan revealed that the company will not license out the domestic streaming/on-demand rights for the upcoming "The Walking Dead 3".
"Ghosts" elevated the paranoia as Melissa McBride continues delivering an award-winning performance (that review's here) – and recent episode "Silence the Whisperers" proved once again why it's "In Michael Cudlitz, We Trust" (review here).
Samantha Morton as Alpha, Ryan Hurst as Beta – The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 5 – Photo Credit: Jace Downs/AMC
With a strong ensemble cast (and a "Big Bad" fronted by Samantha Morton in an award-earning turn as Whisperers leader Alpha) and richly layered writing, showrunner/executive producer Angela Kang did the near-impossible: made the show feel fresh and dangerous again.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan, Blaine Kern III as Brandon – The Walking Dead _ Season[...]
"The Walking Dead" Season 10 "Silence the Whisperers": In Michael Cudlitz, We Trust [SPOILER REVIEW]
With a strong ensemble cast (and a "Big Bad" fronted by Samantha Morton in an award-earning turn as Whisperers leader Alpha) and richly layered writing, showrunner/executive producer Angela Kang did the near-impossible: made the show feel fresh and dangerous again.
Cassady McClincy as Lydia, Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan – The Walking Dead _ Season 10,[...]
As anger and frustration levels rise, it looks like Lydia (Cassady McClincy) and Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) might end up on the receiving end of a little post-apocalyptic "purging."
But the opening minutes to this week's chapter might rank as some of the most beautiful and heartbreaking in the show's ten seasons – and proves once[...]
"The Walking Dead" Season 10 "Silence the Whisperers": Michonne, Judith & Handling Bullies [PREVIEW]
As anger and frustration levels rise, it looks like Lydia (Cassady McClincy) and Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) might end up on the receiving end of a little post-apocalyptic "purging."
But in this preview, it's Michonne teaching Judith (Cailey Fleming) the best ways to handle bullies and bad people – with Judith making a wise observation of[...]
His exchanges with Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) over responsibility and loss are powerful, showing fans that "Old Aaron" isn't completely gone – he just can't afford to "come out and play" anymore.
● Damn you, Jeffrey Dean Morgan! I still can't put my finger on what Negan's "big picture" is here yet: I'm feeling "redemption" yet[...]
In the opening minutes to this week's AMC "The Walking Dead," Michonne and our heroes must turn back a tide of walkers that never seems to be ending...
In the following preview for "Ghosts" - this week's episode of AMC's "The Walking Dead" - Michonne, Daryl, and Carol coordinate a three-team mission...