In the original Buffy The Vampire Slayer nineties TV series, Kendra Young was a Slayer from Jamaica activated after Buffy Summers' temporary death Trained by her Watcher Sam Zabuto, she joined the series battling vampires Spike and Drusilla, but was killed in 1998 by Drusilla after only a year as a chosen Slayer.
The comic book[...]
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Especially for a series less than 12 issues in, it's important for characters to retain some level of solidarity.
Unfortunately, that's not what's happening in Buffy the Vampire Slayer #11, part of the Hellmouth super-mega-crossover event.
For example, Rose, Kendra, and Robin are clearly not getting along.
This kind of infighting is not conducive towards saving the world.
And that is they choose to go ahead, will bypass pilot season and go straight to a series.
Renée, who played the pre-Hawkgirl Kendra Saunders in Flash, is also playing the character in the upcoming DC's Legends Of Tomorrow series.
We already have more TV shows based on comic books in production than ever before[...]