This time Tracer is back and with a new Overwatch League exclusive Funko Pop Tracer is shown wearing her own special gear in a spiffy new white and orange outfit The packaging will feature two stickers for those in the box collectors This is a simple and cool collectible for any Overwatch League fans n[...]
league Archives
Kevin O'Neill is selling his artwork for League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century 2009 from the Brussels gallery Champaka from 1500€ to 2000€, avaialble online for the first time Go on, take a look Call it Cyber Monday if you must…
Kevin O'Neill is selling[...]
And so it was with Laura Sneddon's first review of The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century: 2009 that caused quite the commotion Here is an expanded and extended section of that review, courtesy of Sneddon, placing the writer, the book, and the characters within a greater context.
Alan Moore is perhaps the greatest comic writer of[...]
And late June in the UK.
But I understand that the publication date of the final chapter of League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century, the volume set in 2009 has been moved forward Instead, it will be published in just a week's time instead, in both the US and the UK.
I understand that UK journalist Laura Sneddon[...]
Amd while I was there, noted a number of pages of original art from the upcoming League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century: 2009 volume Some we've seen before, some we haven't Kevin O'Neill was also there, popping in the back, possibly planning their upcoming signing event with Alan Moore…
The glass over the pages were a little[...]
And I did.
As well as revealing that his wife and collaborator Melinda Gebbie will be working on an adaptation of his performance CD Angel Passage about William Blake, he talked about The League, V, Halo Jones and Lost Girls Here are five paragraphs to entice you from the much longer article.
The Future Of The League: