Martynas Cibulis Archives

Shipping Nightmares Commence In Ready, Steady, Ship!
Indie game developer Martynas Cibulis and publisher Untold Tales have set the release date for Ready, Steady, Ship! for this week If you've ever wondered what it would be like to run a cartoon version of an Amazon warehouse without all of the poor working conditions and low pay, this is the game for you, as you'll[...]
Shipping Nightmares Commence In Ready, Steady, Ship!
Indie game developer Martynas Cibulis and publisher Untold Tales confirmed their new co-op game Ready, Steady, Ship! is coming out in Q1 2024 The game is basically a logistics nightmare as you run a shipping company run by two people: you and a partner You'll work your magic with a series of conveyor belts that[...]