marvel Archives

A Look At The De-Aged Avengers For Marvel Avengers Academy – And Ultron Is Their Janitor can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Marvel Avengers Academy: Character Trailer ( Marvel Entertainment and TinyCo have unveiled a first-look at the newly re-imagined Avengers as they will appear in MARVEL Avengers Academy, the upcoming adventure / simulation title for mobile devices.     Captain America – The living legend and natural born leader just might be the[...]
23 Second Prints From The Big Two – Justice League Darkseid Wars And All-New All-Different Marvel
We already mentioned the Unfollow #1 and #2 special edition from DC for thr 6th January. Well, on the same day,  DC Comics are issuing second prints of Justice League Darkseid War Batman, Justice League Darkseid War Flash, Justice League Darkseid War Green Lantern , Justice League Darkseid War Shazam and Justice League Darkseid War Superman. While on the 13th January, Marvel Comics will be issuing[...]
World's Smallest Ant-Man Blu-ray
I got a neat little surprise in the mail yesterday from Marvel and Janky Toys and I thought I would shoot a quick video to share it with you guys It's to go with the Blu-ray / DVD release of Marvel's Ant-Man which came out yesterday and has been available on Digital HD for a[...]
The Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List 2015 – 37 To 35
 We'll run the previous ones below as well, so, in reverse order… 37. Nick Lowe  (UP) Moving from X-Men to Spider-Man as senior editor, Nick Lowe is overseeing an expanding line at Marvel, from the regular Amazing Spider-Man to Silk, Spider-Woman, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man 2099 and more as the line continues to grow of late on the backs of[...]
When Kamala Khan Punches Donald Trump…
There is quite a demand. .@Marvel can we get a comic book cover where Captain America and Kamala Khan punch Donald Trump in the face? — Seeking an E-Girlfriend For The End Of The World (@ObscureReferenc) December 8, 2015 I love this idea of recreating the classic Captain America cover where he punches Hitler but replace Hitler w/[...]
The Six Important Moments From Marvel's Agents Of SHIELD: Maveth
The following article will have spoilers for the mid-season finale of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD. . . . . . I haven't done one of these in a while, but it seems that after last night's episode a good 6 important moments was called for. 1 – The first thing that jumped out at me about this episode is that Alphonso 'Mack' Mackenzie[...]
LEGO Marvel's Avengers Shows Off It's Open World In New Trailer
I was a little cautious about how LEGO Marvel's Avengers would be 'framed.' The previous LEGO Marvel game took place in a huge world with a few levels to jump into from there I was worried the new title would scrap that and have a hub to just hop into missions straight from the movie Well, LEGO[...]
How Mockingbird Got Her Wings (SPOILERS)
That includes Bobbi Morse, known in the Marvel Universe as Mockingbird, and gearing up for her TV spinoff in Most Wanted. And she seems to have taken to the skies somewhat But how did such an All-New All-Different change occur? Was it in the eight month gap that she became a more literal mockingbird? Not quite[...]
Masterworks, Omnibuses And Other Collections From Marvel Comics In 2016
Big Books coming from Marvel in the third qarter of 2016… here are a few more with noting And we start with an Omnibus… Spider-Man by Todd McFarlane Omnibus collects Spider-Man #1-14 and #16 and X-Force #4. Todd McFarlane became a superstar illustrating the Amazing Spider-Man, but he changed the industry forever with his next project: the "adjectiveless" solo title[...]
Spider-Man And Deadpool? It's A Bromance – For Now
1 by Joe Kelly and Ed McGuinness has a title for the first arc… "Bromance." It's not the first time Marvel have tried this out Back in 2009, they announced a trade paperback collection, Marvel Bromance with a big MTV push with Jeff Youngquist saying. "Last year, we put out the 'Marvel Romance' trade paperback, collecting some of the best[...]
Gendercrunching October 2015 – Dark Horse Steps Up
Gendercrunching October 2015 By Tim Hanley DC rose and Marvel fell, leading to DC logging the higher percentage of female creators at the Big Two in October We also make our semi-annual visit to Image, IDW, and Dark Horse and, SHOCKING SPOILER, they all topped Marvel but only one bested DC. DC COMICS DC's been all over the map[...]
Amazon Fishing For Carnage, Thunderbolts And Mockingbirds
Marvel's Amazon listings (It's been that kind of a day) give us some insight into a few of Marvel's upcoming plans First, Carnage with a glimpse of a new storyline that will begin in March (and a guarantee it will at least go up to August…) Jabulile van Scotter is a 16-year old South African girl sailing around the world![...]