This year's San Diego Comic Con was the perfect example, one that the Wall Street Journal noticed.
Michael Lovitz, an IP lawyer who we've interviewed here on BC before and who hosts panels at the conventions on copyright laws, spoke about how it works now.
Independent creators can typically expect option deals that initially pay less than[...]
Michael Lovitz Archives
Attorney Michael Lovitz kicked off the discussion with the hypothetical example of an independent comic book creator who sees his idea exploited by an artist he once discussed the concept with As Lovitz explained to the inquisitive audience, copyright law does not protect ideas Rather, it protects expressions of ideas (specifically, creative works that are[...]
Attorney Michael Lovitz specializes in Intellectual Property Law, something very important if you work in or want to work in the comic book industry With SDCC coming up this week, I had a chance to talk to Lovitz about this particular field and the three panels he will be hosting at the convention.